amanda chronicles

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"I would rather be hated for how I am that be loved for how I am not,"

The person we used to know as amanda was never truly amanda but Miles.

Been who your not just to please others around you could cause you more pain that just been who you really are. But rember your safety is important. As someone who has only taken one step to comming out, Ian Murray partially out to friends and family, I told them I was gay and non-banairy. Which is true but I want to baind safely and change my name, but my mum won't let me. I am still living behind someone that isn't really me and it hurts. I suffer from depression,anxiety and a few more mental issues. But the worst thing is I suffer from dysphoria and as a person that do sent have a particularly small can set it can become so bad that I won't leave my room because I don't like how I look.

Gender is something so complex that people don't understand all of it no one dose.

We're are proud of you Miles for comming out and thank you for just been you.

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