00: how people discover past memorabilias

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It was as if Nick was being possessed by another entity. And he wasn’t really comfortable being a vessel for that other entity. In fact, he was as far away from being at ease that it takes someone else to call him a hitchhiking nitwit trying to catch a ride to his self-bordered comfort zone without getting odd looks from everyone effortlessly.

     He accidentally bumped into something that he wasn’t expecting—something that he hasn’t thought of not expecting. Just beyond the dark notches the underneath of his bed contained was a binder filled with Nick’s elementary papers.

     “Of all things…” he muttered under his breath as he sat on the floor of his room with an amount of constant lip twitching on the side.

     His fingers laced around the top edge of the binder, desperately trying to overcome his curiosity on his past self and desperately hoping that he throws the binder under the bed subconsciously.

     But he doesn’t.

     Of course he doesn’t.

    The first thing that graced his vision was something his post-guidance counselor liked to call: The Getting-To-Know-You Page. The rules with the Page was simple—too simple—that you just had to fill it up like a badly summarized autobiography then keep it as a memorabilia of your soon-to-be woeful days.

     Third Grade Nick makes Current Nick feel very, very distasteful that even nose-wrinkles weren’t enough to fend for his dignity. Even his sloppy handwriting was humiliating.


============== THE GETTING-TO-KNOW-YOU PAGE ==============

NAME: nick


BIRTHDATE: october 10th

FAVORITE COLOR: blue (duh?!) [This makes current Nick grunt and slap his forehead because why?]

ASPIRATIONS: probably would like to be homeschooled and be the youngest astronaut on Jupiter and scientist

TRAITS THAT YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: the fact that i have power to see little white things in the air and that the moon follow me everywhere (maybe I’m a psychic because I’m going to be so famous that even the moon follows me) [Current Nick: …no way…]


HOBBIES: tv, sketching (just a bit)

*** The list actually goes on and on but Nick feels mentally drained to even remember any of what his elementary-self had to say about himself. ***

NOTE TO YOUR FUTURE SELF: future nick, I hope you’re already an astronaut or if not I hope you’re cool. [Current Nick: scoffs] if you’re not, then find something to make you cool. your past self will not accept that the future nick’s a fail.



Well, the note to his future self was quite…something. But, ultimately, Nick just shrugs it off since his self-respect was narrowed down to almost a zero. So, in short, he’s in a tight pinch—a predicament with himself.

     Shaken up, he shut the binder sharply then finally threw it under his bed, making sure to never touch it again as if it was a thorn in the grand scheme of life-changing inanimate objects.

     It hasn’t occurred to him in any way that the Page was going to hold some sort of sentiment after a few weeks as he tries to rocket into his Re-exploration Era. But neither did the Few Weeks into the Future Nick realize that he was going to be in a more serious predicament—a.k.a the Discovery Page.

     He got up on his feet and walked out his room, thinking of how he was going to convince his mom on getting her to buy some orange juice for him because of that traumatic scene. “I need to take a breather; that experience was negatively breathtaking. And I need orange juice.”

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