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I woke up the next morning on a flat air mattress. Huffing I got up with a sore back, I was definitely going to need some Tylenol. I got dressed and went to the kitchen where Mama was going through boxes trying to find stuff for the kitchen.

" Morning." She said smiling at me

" Morning." I said walking up to the counter and laying my head on my arms face down.

" I was wondering if you could get some groceries for me?"

" Don't dad have the truck?" I said raising my head up.

" No his buddy picked him up earlier."

" I don't guess it would hurt. Where's the keys?" I said standing up straight

" Umm... Right here!" She said after moving some boxes around

" Okay, do you want me to get the usual groceries?" I said adjusting my ball cap.

" Yeah but grab some peaches and strawberries."

" I'll be back in a bit." I said turning and walking out the door

I walked out to my Dad's old beat up '92 Chevy Silverado and climbed into the dusty cab. After turning the key like three times to get it to start I finally got it running. I drove down the driveway and just guessed which way town was I really wasn't in the mood for looking on a map and it wasn't like I had a smart phone to look it up.

I drove past the farms and realized how different this place was than Harlan. In Harlan it feels kind of crowded and it's hard to find a place that's flat. It's not exactly flat here but there's definitely more space. After driving for a while I finally came into town, now I just have to find the grocery store. I found the small grocery store and went in grabbing a buggy. People was staring as I walked in, typical small town this is exactly how it is in Harlan when someone new shows up.

I walked down the isles getting the things I needed and getting the extras Mama wanted. I walked up to cash register and paid for my things but on the way out a bulletin board caught my eye.

Full time waitress wanted at Jackie's Diner.

I read over the words, that would be the perfect job for me! I took one of the flyers then continued out to the truck. I was trying to save money to get my own car so I didn't have to use Daddy's all the time but I was also helping my parents pay bills, they never asked me to I wanted to. After stopping at Bojangles for breakfast I headed home to tell Mama about maybe being able to get a job.

" Mama! I'm home!" I hollered carrying groceries through the house to the kitchen

" I'm back here!" She said from her bedroom, I walked to the back where she was setting her room up with the few things that her and Daddy had.

" Do you need any help?" I said leaning against the door frame

" Nope but I put your stuff in your room so you can work on that if you want." She said sitting on the door going through a box.

" Okay, oh one more thing! I'm gonna go apply for a job tomorrow at the local diner." I said turning back around from where I had almost walked away.

" That's fine, your nineteen so it's up to you." She said shrugging it off and continuing what she was doing.

I walked into my room and saw my bed and box frame propped up against the wall with a few boxes scattered here and there. I didn't have many things to put up just some clothes and a few other little things, I don't even have a bed frame for my bed!

After my Dad came home I talked to him about me getting a job and stuff he said he didn't mind me using the truck because he was car pooling with his buddy anyways. I decided that tomorrow I would try to go to town and get the job since there's no telling how long that flyer has been up.

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