Celia, Celia, Celia.

Please don't do this.

I shut my car door and sped through traffic.

I didn't even park right when I'm the biggest perfectionist around.

I climbed up the flight of stairs in an ungraceful manner, uncaring to whoever sees.

Please still be here.

Please tell me everything is still here.

I nearly slammed into my apartment door when the keys jumbled around in my shivering hands.


Natural light shone on my face when the beat up door swung against the wall.

My heartbeat fastened as my eyes captured the scenery.

The furnitures were there, her paintings were there... And... That's it.

No shoes, no clothes, heck, the food was gone too!

She could've at least stolen something from me so I could use that excuse to find her!

I can't believe it...

My back hit the nearest wall as I slowly slid down it. My arms held my head as my hands clawed my hair. My face buried in my jacket and I curled up like a scared lonely child.

This hurts.

A grunt came out of me as the first trail of tears hit the wooden floor below.

This hurts so much.

My gruesome moans echoed the empty apartment as I got louder and louder.

I clenched my jaw and stood up after a couple of minutes.

Noticing a delicate vase and smacking it onto the ground without a second thought, I shattered the beautiful china that was once worth thousands.

I laboriously breathed through my mouth and stormed to the bathroom to blow my nose.

My eyes were pierce red as tear stains glistened under the light.

I want to punch this mirror so bad right now!

I vigorously cleared my sinus and then limped out.

I can't even walk right since I kicked the walls so many times...

I entered my bedroom that used to belong to Celia as old memories flooded me.

All those cute videos she made, all those adorable selfies she took... And her body lay here, and here.

I touched the blanket and brought my face near it.

Her scent still lingers...

I flopped against the bed and smelled the pillows and sheets.

She was here...

I was starting to get turned on as more indications of her presence tricked my mind and senses.

I reached for my belt and fumbled with the buckle.

Goddamn... We've never done it...

I unzipped and began to pull my jeans down.

"Ahh," I moaned out as I took a big whiff of the rosy fragrance, "mmhm."


I sat up on the bed and reached into my pocket.

Stupid TOP had to interrupt my private time.

[Jiyong! Come back home now!]

[Leave me alone! I'm busy!]

My breathing quivered as I closed my eyes.

[More busy than to see Celia's message?]

That text got my attention and I quickly stood up.

Alright alright, I'm coming!

When I rushed into the Big Bang apartment, the members were all sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"What! What is it?!" I urgently stormed to them as Taeyang got up and handed me a note.

"It's written in English, mind translating it for us?" Daesung sweetly asked and I nodded.

"Hey boys,

Sorry I had to leave out of the blues, something came up, I'll be back as soon as things are taken cared of again... Don't worry about me, and don't come looking for me either! Okay? I'm just taking a break. I'll be fine, and I'll come back... Soon... I hope...

P.S Sorry Jiyong.

Celia Roselia."

"We found it by the bed, it was too small of a note to notice." TOP and the others stared emptily at the ground, heads hanging low as their fingers tapped their legs.

"There are tear stains on this paper..." I mumbled to myself as I felt the crispy round dents. "I'm going to go find her." I crumbled the worthless paper and grabbed my phone.

That motherfucker better picks up...

"Hello there Mr. G-Dragon! I'm not working for you today, but how may I help you?"

That cheerful accented voice irked me to no end.

I threw away all formalities and just got straight to the point.

"Where.Is.CELIA?" I gritted my teeth with each word as I heard him chuckle.

"Why do you think I know?"

"Because you helped her move this morning didn't you?" I heard silence on his end and so I assumed I was right. "Tell me where she is!"

"... It is too early to raise your precious singer voice like that, call me back in a few hours."

Louie hung up right before I was about to shout at him.

"I'M A FUCKING RAPPER!" I smashed the phone and the back of it broke apart when it hit the ground.

"Hyung!" Seungri glanced at my furious face and shook his head. "Your phone..."

"I'm rich." I picked the phone up and rolled my eyes at its cracked screen. It still works, but I should get a new one as soon as possible. "I'm going out, let me know if there is any thing on Celia."

"Jiyong. She told us not to come looking for her." Taeyang warned which caused me to snicker sarcastically.


"Sigh, just give her some time."

"Heh. You and TOP always say that." I smirked and walked to the front door. "You know I'm too passionate to waste time."

With that, I began my search for my lost rose.

{CyberStar} G-Dragon Fanfiction (GD x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu