Sensing my honest apology, Shay's expression turns into one of sympathy and understanding. "Hey Ar, it's okay. We just wanted to share this special moment with you. We know how hard you have worked for this." She finishes, to which Natalia adds with a small smile, "Plus, those under-eye circles aren't that pretty, so apology accepted." Her truthful yet funny comment makes me let out a small laugh and before I know it they both wrap me in a tight hug.

Hugging them back, I can't stop the one tear that slides down my cheek, as I feel overwhelmed and dazzled.

"Soooo, how about a girls night? My place tonight for movie night and then you can tell us all the details. What do you think?" Natalia asks as soon as we step back from the embrace, immediately changing the atmosphere into a more joyous one.

I nod eagerly and give them a big smile. "Yeah, I would love that."

"Okay, why don't we leave you to your work now, and we'll catch you later tonight?" Shay says.

"Okay but before you guys go, I need to tell you something." I tell them, all traces of excitement gone from my voice. "Do you remember that guy I met on my birthday? At that club?"

"You mean when you had sex with the guy?" Shay states casually and openly. "Of course! How could we ever forget that? When we couldn't find you we thought you were either kidnapped or killed." She adds, her lips in a tight, thin line.

"Ugh and here I thought we were over that."

"We might forgive, but we NEVER forget." Natalia says as a matter-of-factly. "God knows what we went through that night."

"Well it's over now and besides, that's not my point. I saw him yesterday. And I was wearing his hoodie. Don't even ask. Long story short, he saw me and came after me but I run for the hills. He even followed me to my car and shouted at me to wait for him but I was too embarrassed, so instead I got in my car and speeded off." I finish off with a deep outtake of breath.

"No way." Natalia says shocked, which mirrors Shay's expression perfectly.

"Yes way. I was totally freaked out." I reply.

"You're sure it was him, right?" Asks Shay.


You can't easily forget that face.

"Huh, well some things are just meant to be Ar. Natalia continues, quickly recovering from her shocked state.

"Oh please. Leave fate out of this. It was a simple coincidence." I say stubbornly.

"Next thing you know you end up having sex again." Shay says, her attempts at containing her giggles failing miserably as she ends up laughing hysterically.

As soon as she calms down I eye her angrily. "This isn't funny you know. It was one hell of an embarrassing moment and if you don't stop laughing I will call security to escort you out."

"Well, you know what they say Ar. Karma is a bitch. This is what you get for making us dead worried that night." Shay continues smugly.

"Okay ladies, if you are done with your teasing, you know where the door is." I say as I sit on my chair.

"Sure, see you later babe." Shay says as she gives me a small wave, another fist of giggles escaping her mouth. Natalia fails to contain her own muffled giggles, their laughter echoing on the entire floor.

Irritated, I shake my head, a smile of my own slowly making it's way onto my mouth.

Our bond is truly unbreakable and even though Shay and Natalia are complete opposites, they both have a special place in my heart.

Shay on one hand, with her blond wild locks, piercing blue eyes and petite figure could have easily come across as a shy and quiet girl, but let me tell you, she couldn't have been more intimidating. Her beautiful looks and fit body, have always been catching attention, but there's much more than a pretty face there. Her personality is bubbly and too funny for her own good, yet stern and serious when necessary. However, it's her pure and precious heart that makes her stand out. Her kindness is blind and she's an affectionate ball of excitement, who I know for sure would never judge me or my choices, no matter how ridiculous they would be. A quality that is necessary for her job. A psychologist- the perfect career for her.

Natalia on the other hand, is the most quiet of the three, but her comments are always spot-on. Her brutally honest mouth is what I seek a lot of times, since people have tried to approach me by giving me fake complements and false truths, which make her reality-checks more than necessary. She's incredibly intelligent and even if she's not very affectionate, she has always been- and by the looks of our friendship, will aways be there for me, just one phone call away, no matter the place or the time. She can always put a smile on my face whenever I'm in a bad mood and let me tell you; Even if the whole world was ending, she would still, somehow, make me smile. Her heart is made out of gold, laced with ethics, morals and honesty. Her dark brown hair and dark brown eyes add a hint of mystery to her overall appearance, and she, herself is remarkably good-looking with a model-like body. Let's not forget how big of a bad-ass lawyer she is.

Sitting back on my chair, I smile to myself, feeling blessed to have these amazing people in my life.

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