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Arabella's POV

Movement underneath me causes my eyelids to slowly open, my irises trying to focus in the dimly lit room. Blinking several times, I successfully manage to gain consciousness, a firm, moving surface underneath me causing me to unhurriedly lift my heavy-feeling head and search for something familiar in the coal-black darkness that swallows the room. My hands swiftly grab my head, attempting to stop the unendurable dizziness and after a few deep breaths I manage to have a closer look around me. As soon as I register the outline of an unfamiliar room however, my breath hitches and I find myself looking around desperately, searching for something familiar, my shelf of books, perhaps my DVD collection.

The unfamiliar room that is unfolded in front of me has me gasping for air and no matter how hard my eyes try to adjust to the limited light, a stubborn headache has me closing them harshly in agonizing pain. Before I have any more time to think about my headache, another movement underneath me has me looking to my left and realization hits me like a bucket full of ice.

"Shit." I hiss and my eyes widen even more.

Next to me lies a man. A handsome one at that. His high cheek bones, straight yet powerful nose and light stubble are underlined even in the dim lighting of the room and are visible even through my hazy sight. Next thing I notice, or rather feel are our interlocked legs and his strong muscular arms holding my hips. Skin on skin. This has me blushing for a second and I continue staring at him, enjoying the feel of his arms around me. His muscular torso is slightly visible through the silk sheets covering our bodies and no matter the temptation to stare at him a moment longer, I find myself carefully and quietly getting out of the bed, him stirring at the loss of contact.

As soon as the cold air of the room meets my naked body, realization of my actions seems to hit me even harder than before.

What have I done? I keep thinking to myself, while looking around frantically. One-night stands were never really my thing.

Flashes from yesterday night make their way into my mind, but a slight feel of vomiting coming from the pit of my stomach catches my attention instead. I mentally scold myself and promise not to drink so much again.

As I'm looking around for my clothes, my headache and slight dizziness have me supporting my weight on the nearby wall, as I'm having an internal debate on whether I should give up and return back to bed or make a run for it.

The strongest part of me wins and after a few minutes of searching I successfully find all of my possessions, including my underwear, black high-wasted leather-shorts, grey flashy crop top, black clutch and my 3-inched black heels, all thrown carelessly around the room. Sighing angrily, I quit looking for my coat since I must have left it at the club the night before. Putting on my shorts and moving on to the top, I notice that it it's ripped in half. As I'm trying, but failing to remember when that happened, motion from the bed has me frozen on the spot. Thankfully a few seconds later the movement stops, his breathing becoming slow and steady, indicating that he's fast asleep again.

Not really knowing what to do and messing around with my fingers, an idea pops in my head. At the left corner of the room, I notice the outline of a large closet and without much thinking, with ungraceful steps towards it, I open it and grasp the first hoodie that comes in contact with my hands.

As soon as I put it on, I notice that even for my 6'0 feet height, the oversized hoodie hugs my body comfortably and falls down just above my knees, hiding my shorts. I finally put on my heels and a sudden thought occurs to me. Before leaving I hesitantly head over to the stranger's desk, find some paper and a pen and scribble down a note.

The CEO's HoodieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang