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Okay soooo to the questioning!!

Do you like French fries?

I do like/love French fries they are ma best friend/food.

Can you do a frontflip?

I can't do I front flip.

Who is your fav you tuber?

my favourite you tuber is........ PEWDIEPIE!!!:)

Who is your fav wattpad author?

my favourite wattpad author is ma sister. DUUUUUHHH.

Why don't you ask a question from the people who read ask Cassie?

Okay I'll ask you guys a question what is my favourite color?

Why did you make me ask you a question?

I don't think I did make you do anything (THATS WHAT SHE SAID XD)

Why did you start making babies (answer that bitch :P)

Well I started making BOOKS cause I loved how authors just came up with stuff and I had soooo many ideas I just started oh and larameep I never did make one baby :P

Where is your tummy?

Well my really tummy is in ma mouth :)

Can you draw a piñata?

No I can't draw a piñata also they creep the fuck outa me!

FINAL QUESTION: Ummmmmmm... STOP RUSHING ME!!!!! Ok I think I got one: why did the chicken cross the road?

I don't really know why he did but that chicken was stupid!!

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