"Needed to borrow a hoodie. Thanks for the night."

Thanks for the night? Really? my conscious shouts at me. Not putting much thought to it I head for the door. Trying to open it as quietly as possible, I squeeze through, and just before closing it behind me I throw the handsome stranger one last, quick glance and start walking down a long hallway.

Grabbing my phone from my clutch I notice several missed calls and text messages from my two best friends. Too sleepy and tired to bother, I make a mental note to myself to call them later, even though I can already imagine how worried they must have been since I left the club without them. As I continue walking down the endless hallway, I realize that even the simple act of walking isn't as easy as I had initially thought, so I take off my heels and continue walking barefoot down the carpeted, fluffy hallway with my heels in my hands.

Towards the end of the hallway I notice a large yet cozy-looking living room and a massive flat screen on the wall which is surrounded by endless shelves of books. My eyes follow the rest of the room and I'm taken aback not only by the huge size of the condo and the luxurious furniture, but also by the overall homey aura that the place illuminates. My pounding head interrupts my thoughts however, reminding me that I need to get home and stop staring. I quickly descend a large staircase in hopes of finding my way in this maze of a house.

Finally, not even sure how, I successfully find a pair of wooden double-doors which I suspect to be the exit. Breathing a sigh of relief I touch the cold, golden knob and just as I'm about to open the door and come one step closer to freedom a small female voice behind me stops me dead in my tracks.

"Umm excuse-me miss?"

When hearing her voice my body freezes and a wave of humiliation passes through me, as if I was a thief and I was caught in the act. I turn around slowly and awkwardly, coming face to face with a short, kind looking-lady, probably in her late fifties. Her hair is put neatly in a circular bun and her clothes are simple, consisting of a black, knee-size skirt and a white, long-sleeved cotton shirt, tucked perfectly into her skirt. In contrast to her well-composed appearance, I look like a mess.

After a few seconds of nothingness, I clear my throat.

"Hi there." I say awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to let you know that the door requires a code to open."

I continue staring at her with wide eyes but try my hardest to regain the ability of speech. "Umm I was just, sorry if I-I, I was leaving and-" With a motion of her hand she stops my blubbering mid-sentence.

"No worries dear, do you need me to call you a cab?" she replies sweetly.

"That wouldn't be necessary, thank you though." I reply shyly.

"Are you sure? I can have it arranged." She says sincerely.

"Yes, thank you." I reply with a small smile.

"Okay then, as you wish." She then turns her attention towards what I presume to be the security box and quickly types in the code, followed by a clicking sound from the door. She pulls the knob towards her and the door opens revealing yet another enormous hallway. Do they have a thing for long hallways here?

"Umm thank you." I say before giving her another smile. Looking down the unfamiliar hallway and not knowing whether to go towards the left or the right direction, I let myself out. I bet the confused look on my face gave me away though.

"Go towards the right until you find an elevator, to which you must press level 0. That's where the lobby is."

"Thanks again." I reply with a small wave of my hand.

Not even bothering to ask the cab-driver the location we are currently at, I give him directions for my own condo. Sitting at the back of the cab with my head leaning against the cold window and my eyelids closed, memories from the night with the beautiful stranger start haunting my thoughts. Suddenly, a clear image appears in my head, one of his green eyes looking straight into the depths of my own blue ones, as if looking straight into my soul.

Author's note
HELLO EVERYONE! This is my first wattpad story and I'm extremely excited to share it with you!!
Please bear with me, since updates will be slow, due to school and exams.

PS: Please do not copy my work and do not leave hateful comments, that's rude:)

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