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I'm Robyn Simmons , people stare at me as if I'm a different species , because I have dark skin , I never really thought about why people didn't like me but as soon as I hit high school everything changed.

I was walking to school since my mother couldn't afford a car for me, I wouldn't say me and my mom are broke because I still get fed and have a roof over my head and clothes on my back. I entered the the hell that I call school , at my locker stood one of my best friends yandy , she was mixed with black and white , she was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hey baddie gyal" yandy spoke as she adjusted her Beanie.

I laughed as I stood staring at her wondering how she can be such a rebel and not care who's judging or not.

"Hey, how was your weeken-" I got interrupted by of course my other best friend , she was a cross the hall yelling "guys !! Guess who asked me out ".
Everyone meet piana , she is A island girl , very beautiful and has such strong features.

"Stop yelling from all the way there, you sound crazy" yandy yelled back. I just stood there laughing , these two will be the death of me. While piana made her way towards us .

I spotted Keith walking to his locker with Hakeem , he looked amazing today, a guy that can dress is a major turn on for me and let's just say Keith can dress .

While I was to busy looking at Keith , my friends were still talking and tried to call me but I guess I couldn't hear since I was so into starring at the beauty in front of me

"Robyn , when your done looking at Keith we wou- " I quickly shut her mouth , damn piana talked loud "shhhh" by now some people in the hall heard her big ass mouth , Keith was starring at us and I felt so embarrassed , I wanted to stuff myself in a shoe box.
"Can you not please, last thing I need is for Keith to think I'm crazy " I quietly whispered to piana "well if you weren't so obsessed with Keith , you would've listened to me" she yelled in a whisper

" yeah I'm sorry , and I'm not obsessed" " she smiled " mhm "laughed it off , this girl sure is crazy , but she's my kinda crazy.

Classes went by pretty fast today , I had English with yandy and Keith , then math with just myself , science with all of my besties and Keith and Hakeem and a few annoying jocks, then I had art by myself.

As I was walking towards the doors to get out of the schools I bumped into something or someone , I quickly lifted my head when I heard deep chuckles

"damn , sorry about that , I wasn't watching where I was going ,I'm just in a rush" I just starred at him , ladies and gentlemen standing right above me was Keith powers.

he was wearing a basketball uniform and was holding a ball so I'm assuming he was heading to basketball practice

he was wearing a basketball uniform and was holding a ball so I'm assuming he was heading to basketball practice

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" umh oh it's okay , I'm just really clumsy" I was kinda proud of myself that I didn't really stutter

"Aight , well I'll holla at you later" he smiled that gorgeous smile that shows his cute dimples , oh lord help me.

"Yeah a a yo uu too" shit why did my dumbass stutter, I was just grateful that he didn't hear half of it because he was already down the hall and into the gym.

I was in the parking lot waiting for yandy and piana , when Eric Thomson came up to me saying such rude comments that weren't needed

" why u so damn dark"... "if you were light like your friends I might bang".... "hey I have a picture of you on my screen" *pulls out a black screen* I didn't want to cry and show my emotions there so I just kept my head down waiting for my friends.

Eric was a dark skin boy so I don't know why he felt the need to pick at his own colour , that doesn't make any sense. He was about to say another "dark skin" joke till yandy came and pulled him by his collier and pushed him into a nearby car "Eric listen you fugly ass creature , you shouldn't talk about others when you look like that , boy please"
Eric looked extremely pissed but he was looking at me not yandy "you'll pay for this , dark Bitch" he said and stormed into the school "you too , "dark boy" " I was laughing at this moment , yandy sure be doing the most.

"Where's piana? , she's our ride home isn't she? , since your car's in the shop"

"She's in cheer practice , since we were all late to get out and that Eric situation , we only gotta wait 1 more hour for her"
I adjusted my back back and said "oh okay , what do we do till she finishes?" Yandy looked like she was somewhat thinking about it "the cafe , I am starving" oh boy , this girl is always starving.
We headed into the cafe in the school, it doesn't close until 5:00 , so thank God for that.
We just sat there and ate our food waiting till 5:00 came , as soon as it was 5:00 we heard a bunch of rumbling in the halls , yandy being her nosy self , got up and grabbed my arms. We entered the halls and the basketball team were getting ready to leave.

Hakeem saw us and ran over to us well if yandy is "us" then sure. "Wassup bae beeee" man this guy was full of jokes "nothing , till yo ugly ass came over here" I laughed quietly to myself "girl please , stop lying to yourself , we all know I ain't ugly" he was kinda telling the truth I guess "we know you more then ugly , you fugly" Keith said coming into the conversation , oh my Robyn don't look to hard. Yandy gave Keith a high five laughing "y'all just haters , that's all" Hakeem said glaring at them.

Down the hall we heard someone squeal
Here comes piana , I softly laughed "heeyy guys " we all returned a hey but Keith starred at her longer then he should and said a "heeeeey" like he was in love or something , piana started giggling , while I put my head down.

Yandy was about to say something but Eric Thomas cut her off "Keith don't tell me you smashing all 2 of these girls" it kinda didn't really hurt when he said 2 knowing that there was actually 3.
"nah man , just some friends" Keith says with a light smile , Hakeem smiles wide "well I would like to sma- "shut up right now" yandy quickly said.

Eric turned and looked at me saying " oh Robyn I didn't notice you there , maybe because your dark" wow that was embarrassing , mostly because Keith was here.
"Man shut your small dick ass up" Hakeem said while I was still starring at the ground , trying to not cry. "Oh you like darkness now?" Eric glared at Hakeem
" if he did that wouldn't be a problem , would it?" Keith said trying to make make things better, "ohh okay so both n*ggas are smashing ? , always knew she was a hoe" as soon as he said that , I was shocked because I have never been called such a word.
I quickly walked out the school , tears were now streaming down my face, yandy and piana came rushing over to me , they told me he's this and that while wiping my tears way , but I didn't care I just wanna go home.
Keith and Hakeem ran to piana's car while I was getting in, "yo Robyn , I'm sorry about that beautiful , what he said was a lie, your beautiful just the way you are" Keith said starring at me

"thanks" I was so shy all of a sudden "no problem, besides the darker the berry the sweeter the juice" MY GAWD "you nasty" Hakeem and yandy said at the same time , Keith just laughed and walked away to his car.

The girls dropped me off since I was the closet and left.
I entered the house , and seen a note on the kitchen table , it read " I have to work late today , So don't wait up, money is on top of the microwave if your hungry , love you- mom. I wasn't hungry , so I just went into my room , changed into better comfortable clothes and called yandy and piana and stayed up talking about the day , till we all fell asleep on the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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