The Kitsune Kingdom

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Chapter 2: The Kingdom of Kitsune

The feeling of coldness only lasts for a few seconds but it feels like an eternity. I slowly open my eyes to look at the surroundings in which Kyuubi has brought me too. I nearly gasp at the sight before me. The land is in shambles; trees are dead, the ground is nothing but dirt, no flowers, and no grass, no anything. Occasionally a small home litters the scenery but most are abandoned. This place seems desolate, and I fear sorrow for the people that call this place home. A growl escapes from Kyuubi's throat. I can feel his anger rising and resist the urge to cringe at his growing chakra levels.

"This is your villages fault girl. You have much to make up for," Kyuubi states glaring at me.

He still hates the village for imprisoning him inside the body of a human for so many years even if he is getting some revenge with me here. I can see why now though. These lands show promise I can tell that this land was once a prosperous one but now it is nothing but a bunch of ruins with most of its people scattered about it waiting for someone to return to power or take back the power from someone who is not the rightful person or is abusing the power. Being that my chakra type is mostly earth, I can feel the pain that the land is in. It wishes for its master to return after his much to long of an absence.

"Understand this Sakura, once you step onto my lands the energy of it will force you to become a fox demon and once you do there will be no turning back into a human. You will follow all of my orders and my first one is for you to cross over that border," Kyuubi commanded and said my name with a tint of anger in his tone.

My body wanted to freeze in place at the tone he used but my heart and mind would not let me disobey his order because I had vowed to obey his every word or suffer the consequences. My body moves slowly from my spot beside him and across the border. As soon as both of my feet stood on the ground that Kyuubi called his so many years ago and will most likely reclaim soon my knees buckle under me from the energy being forced into my body. I do not resist the power because I have the feeling that the pain will only get worse from my resistance. The energy flowed slowly through my body changing things at an even slower pace. It seems that these lands know the displeasure their lord has with me. It seems it knows that I am here to repay a "debt" owed to Kyuubi by my village and is causing me more pain to try and please its master.

"Enough," Kyuubi growls out.

I felt the pain lessen enough to where I can stand it without having to hold back the screams that were trying to push past my lips before. My bones still felt like they were being ground into powder and then forced to reshape into something new. My face lengthened into a snout and my tail bone lengthened and split. Once all of my bone reshaped themselves, what I hope is the final stage begins. Fur begins to pop out of my skin causing more pain but the pain began to lessen as I force myself to stretch. I sense the approach of Kyuubi and look over at him. Kyuubi has turned into his larger form which is surprisingly only a few inches taller than me.

"Good you have eight tails; you shall be of great use to me girl. The only thing is your fur color which is white with black around your paws, which is weird. Now follow and stay silent until told otherwise," he commands walking away from me and towards the center of the territory.

Kyuubi makes us travel swiftly through the lands making things blurry and hard to tell what distance we have covered. I keep a few feet behind him and to his right. I start to get used to this form quickly and I begin to enjoy the run not long after. It feels good to stretch these muscles that I have never had to use before. My mood is dampened by the knowledge that I am here to serve Kyuubi and the state of the land. I soon see a castle come into view. It is in better shape than most places but it still looks bad. I look over at Kyuubi and I can see the anger in his eyes. To no one else would there have been any emotion there but since I was friends with his ex-host I know what to look for concerning emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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