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I walked through the halls of McKinley high school with an uneasy feeling of guilt in the pit of my stomach

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I walked through the halls of McKinley high school with an uneasy feeling of guilt in the pit of my stomach. Being on the popular show choir team, 'Vocal Adrenaline' made it seem like every single show choir team we faced were our arch rivals. We couldn't befriend, date or even talk to anyone involved in another team. If we did, all of our team mates would make fun of us and we would be disrespected.

Being in a new school that had a different show choir team didn't feel right. This feeling made me frown a bit, but I couldn't let it get to me. After all, I wasn't in Vocal Adrenaline anymore, I was kicked off and that resorted into me switching schools. No one from my old team was there to control me, but it still felt like they were with me. I could hear their harsh remarks they would've made about this school at the back of my head.

"Welcome back lady!" I heard a masculine voice interrupt my thoughts, followed by laughs and gasps. I turned to the left hall to see where the commotion was coming from.

There I saw a boy dressed a bit femininely, with a slushy covering his whole face and outfit. The boy wiped the slushy from his eyes and didn't seem too shocked, like this has happened before. Another boy with very curly hair and glasses was in front of him holding a microphone, while someone else was recording everything that happened with a camera.

"I don't suppose there's any way you could just cut out that last part, is there?" The boy that was just attacked said uncomfortably.

The boy with the curly hair and glasses shook his head then picked a piece of the slushy off the sad boy's shoulder and ate it. I shivered to how disgusting that would be to eat.

"Are you okay?" I said, walking to the boy with a slushy facial. Many heads turned to face me, even the boy filming on his camera.

I didn't like this much attention on my first day; it made me feel like how I was at Carmel. All I wanted for my first day at my new school was to lay low, and stick to my studies.

'So much for the independence on the first day' I thought to myself.

"Uh.. Yeah, I'm fine. This happens a lot." The poor boy sighed. "Hey, you look a bit familiar. Or maybe that's the slushy getting to my head." He rubbed his eyes.

"Hello! My name is Jacob Ben Israel, and here must be a new kid, who might I say has the complexion of a professional supermodel. What's your name and grade," Jacob came disturbingly closer to my face. "Bellissima?" he whispered, I felt his breath on my skin.

I shoved Jacob's face away from mine. "No one you need to know, but I'm a junior." I said, taking a step back from him.  This school was weird.

"Here you have it folks! The new dish on Glee's Big Gay Summer and McKinley's mysterious junior newbie. Jacob, out!" Jacob then ran away with his ridiculous friend.

I faced the boy that was still soaked in a slushy. "Let's get you to a bathroom to clean up, okay?' I spoke with pity in my voice. I didn't mean to sound like such a mom, but it was a force of habit. I did care way too much about others, as cocky as it sounds. You would think being surrounded by many rude people at my old school made me act like them, but that made me stronger and more conscious of what I say.

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