Chapter One.

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I sat one my bed listening to the sound of the ran hitting against the house heavily. It was half three in the morning, and on a Monday too. I couldn't sleep because I had a bad dream. I've been having it since Thursday, every since I found out One Direction is coming to our school to perform. Sad thing is, that day is today. My best friend is staying over because she decided that we needed to look good, for a reason that is beyond me. Our Principal decided we could have a non-uniform day. Silly idea, considering most girls are going to turn up in barely any clothes now hoping that One Direction will miraculously fall in love with them.

''WAKE UP!'' Someone screamed into my ear interrupting my sleep. ''What?'' I groaned loudly and sat up. ''Get ready! One Direction are coming to the school today!'' I sighed and climbed out of bed. ''Alright, alright. I'm up. Where's the outfit you've chosen for me?'' ''Here.'' she chirped loudly shoving it against my frail body. ''Ooft. OK.'' I headed into my en-suite and took my pyjamas off and got dressed. I looked in the mirror and smiled approvingly at myself. I took a picture and uploaded it to twitter. ''Here's my outfit and shoes for today: & :)'' tweeted it and started to do my hair. It eventually ended up like this: I walked out to find Tina standing there looking beautiful ( ''You look so good!'' I complimented her and grabbed my bag and blackberry. ''Me? look at you!'' she squealed. ''Now let's go! They're not going to be here forever plus Niall has to see me to fall in love with me.'' She said happily and skipped down the stairs. I've never told Tina that me and Niall used to be best friends, she moved here during the X-factor so she never knew him. I've always been afraid to say, in case she falls out with me or expects me to set them up.


We finally got to school and I had to run to keep up with her. She legged it into the assembly hall and pried her way through people. She found to seats directly at the front. Oh no! I tried to get her away from them but she refused and started going on about how Niall has to see her. I eventually gave in and sat down glumly.

Half an hour later our principal walked onto the stage smiling. ''Well, I can see that you're all very excited. I'm proud to welcome past pupil Niall Horan and the rest of One Direction!'' he shouted into the microphone and left the stage and let five beautiful boys run on smiling and cheering. All the girls started screaming and jumping up and down. Me, on the other hand, sat there staring at my ex-best friend Niall. ''Hey Guys! It's so great to be back!'' shouted Niall into the microphone. Just his voice made my stomach to somersaults. They started singing What Makes You Beautiful and Tina nearly died in the spot. She started screaming and jumping like a lunatic. It was quite frightening to be honest. They sang some more songs and Moments came on. Louis ran over to the principal and whispered something to him with the principal nodding in return. Louis made his way over to me and he took me by the hand and led me to the stage. He directed me to a stool and Liam started singing to me whilst the boys done the backing. It came to Niall's part of the song and he bent down to my height. I stared directly into his eyes as he started singing. I felt my eyes starting to water and my vision blurred at the memory of Niall promising he'd never forget me. Suddenly realisation crossed his face and he abruptly stopped singing. His mouth hung agape as he stared at me. ''Liz?'' he whispered, moving his hand towards my face. I jerked back and ran off the stage passing the masses of girls shouting at me. I ran down the hall and slid down the wall at the end of it. I let the tears fall freely as all the memories came rushing back to me. It was just too much to take in. He remembers me?

I sat there against the wall, still letting the warm tears flow down my face when I felt someone touch my arm and whisper my name softly. I looked up to be met by beautiful, tear filled eyes staring into my soul. ''Niall.'' I whimpered and started shaking my head. ''I'm so sorry.'' he sobbed and wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in what they call 'The Horan Hug'. I cried into his shoulder as he ran his hand up and down my spine. ''I'm so, so sorry.'' He kept repeating, whispering it into my hair as he cried also. ''You broke your promise.'' I whispered whilst breaking out of the hug. ''You promised.'' I choked out as fresh tears broke free. ''I know, and I'm so sorry that I couldn't keep it. I couldn't bring myself to talk to you after leaving like that. I felt so bad that I done so, but it was too much for me to handle. It all became so overwhelming and I never meant to hurt you.'' he breathed raggedly ''if I could change what I done, I would. I never stopped talking about you though.'' I chuckled at the fact he never stopped talking about me. ''It's okay, I understand, just please never do it again. It hurt me so much, to the point where I couldn't even sleep.'' He looked at me and smiled lightly. ''It's great to see you again.'' He said, helping me up as he stood. ''Same to you, although I dreaded this.'' I giggled slightly as a confused expression crossed his face. I followed his gaze to find the boys and Tina standing there staring at us quizzically. ''You know Niall Horan and you didn't tell me!?'' Shouted Tina. ''I'm sorry. It's a long story.'' ''But I would've understood.'' she said, lowering her voice. ''I know.'' ''So this is the girl you're always talking about?'' said Louis. I blused at this, remembering that Niall said he always talks about me, and he wasn't lying. ''Yup.'' Said Niall drapping his arm around my shoulder.

Maybe this time, it'll be different?


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