Chapter 1

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||Oh almost forgot! The cover was made by: Shay_Loves1D! I really loved it so go follow her! Plus she writes and her stories are really good!||

Chapter 1:

My day started off natural. No interruptions, nothing out of the ordinary. Just as it had been for the past two years. I had developed a system, a routine.

"Soph, can I borrow some of your mascara?" I ask Sophia who sits quietly on her bed flipping through a fashion magazine.

Today starts Sophia's fifth year of college in order to get her masters degree. I am happy she has decided to stay these past two years and continue to be my roommate. We have become so close after everything we have went through.

As for myself, today starts my junior year of college. Quite frankly, I couldn't ask for a better way to start it off. This year so far has been great. I have grown up out of my teenage awkward stage of growth, I have great friends, and best of all, a new start.

No one ever brings up what happened two years ago but it creeps in my mind every so often, only to be pushed away, because it's over.

A knock on our dorms room startles me causing the mascara to smear on my nose. I hear Sophia let out a groan as she climbs from her bed and crosses over to the door as I wipe the black from my nose.

"It's lover boy." Sophia taunts. I stand from my desk as Sophia walks away from the door slipping me a wink.

Niall stands at my doorway and in his hand a cup of coffee. A bright smile is on his face, his cheekbones sharp and his skin pale. His blue eyes are piercing at me as he smiles.

"Goodmorning." He kisses my forehead pulling me to him as he holds me close. "I brought coffee for someone's first day!"

"It's your first day too." I tease. I stand onto my toes wrapping my arms around his neck, our faces inches away. I take the cup of coffee in my hand, the warmth tingling against my skin.

"Hmm, can't argue with ya on that one." He laughs. He presses his lips to mine and I giggle as he lifts me slightly off the floor.

"Hey! Get a room." Sophia coughs behind me. I turn back to her giving her a playful glare.

"You ready? I'll walk you to class." Niall asks.

I grab my bag laying on the ground behind me before throwing it over my shoulder.

"Bye lovebirds." Sophia calls out as I shut my door quickly.

Niall takes hold of my hand instantly as we walk off down the hall to the stairs.

The autumn air is warmer than usual and the sun is bright in the baby blue sky.

"Here." Niall lets go of my hand momentarily as he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a black pair of squared sunglasses and stops me from walking. He opens them and slides them over my eyes as they tuck naturally behind my ears.

"What are these for?" I ask, smiling.

"So you don't go blind for one, and two, so you don't run into a pole by squeezing your eyes almost shut." He laughs. My arms wrap around his torso as we continue walking and his arm is draped over my shoulder.


"Miss Perkins, I need you to take your seat." My English professors voice brings my eyes to blink as my recap of this morning suddenly fades.

Everything was normal.

Yet, here I am, staring at this brunette girl, eat off Harry's face.

I thought he was gone. I thought "Becca" was gone. Maybe he lied. It wouldn't surprise me.

Unleashed-A One Direction Fanfic (Sequel to Guarded)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant