The party

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(Everyone was asking about the dress so picture on the side)💜

It was finally Friday and Hermione just had her last class of the day. Now she had three hours to get ready for the party and show everyone what she had been dying to since Ron broke her heart. She had already picked the perfect dress for tonight and couldn't wait to put it on and see the look of shock on everyone's faces.

She got into the head dorm and went to her room to get her robe and towel, then she went to take a nice long shower. She wrapped the towel around her head and put the robe on before going into her room for a little pampering. She rubbed her favourite vanilla scented lotion into onto her smooth legs and arms and spritzed the same scented perfume behind her ears and onto her pulse points.

She took the towel of her head and combed through her damp hair before drying it with a wave of her wand. It fell down her back in luscious waves of melted honey. Next she got into her underwear and then sat in front of the mirror to do her make up. She made her eyes look smoky and mysterious and applied a nice shade of peach on her lips.

With her hair and make up done all that was left was the dress. It was a beautiful lilac colour that had a tight bodice and flowed down from her waist to mid thigh. The bodice was embroiled with silver rhinestones and it had a sweet heart neckline. Once she had it on it clung to every curve and showed of her long legs. She put on some silver heels and she was finally done. She gave herself a once over in the mirror before leaving with a satisfied smile on her face.

The party was being held in the newly repaired room of requirement since only students who were in sixth and seventh year would be attending due to the fact that alcohol would be served. When she walked into the room she had to admit it looked pretty nice, it looked like they were outside by the lake and there were twinkling lights in trees everywhere giving it a soothing atmosphere.

All eyes went to her just like she thought they would, the Hermione Granger, goodie two shoes book worm was wearing a short dress and high heels and she looked hot. She was particularly satisfied to see that Draco couldn't keep his eyes of her and followed her every move.

Harry was the first one to come up to her.

"Hermione, you look stunning. Would you like to dance with me?" asked Harry.

"Thank you, Harry, you look good too. It would be my pleasure." said Hermione.

She took his offered hand and they danced for a few songs. She was then asked to dance by almost every guy who had enough nerve to come up to her and in between all the dancing she began drinking some of the delicious punch they were serving. She was having a so much fun and wondered what Ron would say if he could see her now..

When she finally got the chance she sat down for a while to catch her breath. She didn't even notice the figure sitting on the bench next to her before he spoke to her startling her.

"Having fun, Granger?" asked Malfoy.

She didn't think before answering in a friendly tone.

"Yes, I am thanks. Are you?" she asked.

He was surprised but answered back just as friendly.

"Yes, I actually am thanks. You look beautiful Hermione." he said.

Now she was shocked, Draco Malfoy just called her by her first name. Did she just imagine it.

"Did you just call me Hermione?" she asked.

He blushed as he realized that he did but decided that he liked saying her name.

"Yes I did, I won't do it again if you don't like it but I would like for us to start over" he said.

She thought about it for a while before answering.

"I would like that too, Draco." she said.

They talked a lot for the rest of the party and she kept drinking the punch. Once Draco noticed that she looked a little flushed he asked her if she knew that the punch had alcohol in it and she froze a little before realizing why she felt so buzzed.

"Draco, could you take me to our dorm please?" she asked.

"Sure, Hermione what are friends for." he answered.

Giggling she got up and stumbled a little, he caught her by the arm and they walked to their dorm with her leaning on him for support. When they got into the common room of the dorm he let her sit on the couch but she stumbled again and he fell onto the couch with her.

She giggled again and when he tried to get up she pulled him down again and kissed him. He was shocked but kissed back for a while before remembering that she was drunk and pulling away.

"Hermione, love, you're drunk and I don't want to take advantage of you while you're like this. As much as I want to kiss you it isn't right because you might not remember it in the morning." he said.

She looked at him in her drunken haze before realizing that he was right.

"Okay, Draco. Take me to bed, I'm sleepy." she mumbled.

He chuckled before picking her up and carrying her to her room and putting her on her bed.. He took of her shoes and pulled the blankets over her body before kissing her on the forehead and saying goodnight.

She was asleep within minutes and he looked at her for a little while as she slept before leaving her room and going to bed himself..

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