"Yes ma'am," he joked, picking her up and setting her on the hood. Harrison jumped up after, careful not to scratch the car with his pants. "She's too pretty to scratch."

Carrie laid back on the blanket as he laid next to her, wrapping his arm around her. "Can I drive home?"


"Why not?"

"Do you even know how to drive a stick? I've offered before but you always said no."

He smiled. "No, but you could teach me."

"It takes a lot of practice."

"I'm up for a challenge."

"Quiet, this is the best part." Carrie snuggled against him, her head resting on his chest. He kissed her forehead before finally paying attention to the movie.

Halfway through the movie it started to rain hard, forcing them to sit in the car. "Well this didn't turn out how I'd planned," she muttered.

"Hey it's fine," he assured her, pulling the door closed as she sat on his lap.

"I wanted to take you to one of my favorite places."

"We can still go."

"I know, but it's so pretty on a clear night."

He shrugged, pulling her against him. "It'll be fine."

The movie finished as the rain began to slow down. "Wanna go?" She asked.

"Hell yes."

Carrie smiled, jumping back into the drivers seat. "There's pop and water in the back."

Harrison reached back into the little cooler and pulled out a Coke. "Coke or water?"

"Water please."

"When did you get this, and then the food?"

"I went right after the game, then came back to pick you up."

He set her water bottle in the cup holder as she backed up. He popped open his Coke, jumping as there was a loud screeching noise and the car jumped forward. The engine revved very high as she put the car back in neutral. "Uh what was that?"

They started to move again. "I hit the gas to early before the car finished shifting. In other words, I popped the clutch."

"Is it okay?"

"Oh yeah, I caught it before the car could stall." Carrie pulled out of the drive in parking lot. "We're fine."

"You really need to teach me to drive this thing."

"You couldn't keep up," Carrie teased.

Harrison raised his eyebrow and she laughed. "Actually I think you'd be good at it."


"Are we almost there?"

Carrie checked her rear view mirror once again. "Carrie?"

"Hey are we almost there?"

She watched in the mirror as the truck turned down the same road as them. It had been a few minutes and the truck had taken every turn she did and switched lanes every time she did.

"Carrie! Can you hear me!?"

"I think we're being followed."

"What?" He asked, turning around.

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