"And then Mrs Riley came out onto the playground...." Nell continued while Billy subtly checked his watch. He tried to act as if he was listening to his sister but really he just wanted her to be quiet so he could excuse himself from the table, now he had finished. He was also racking his brain to think of an excuse as to why both him and Johnny would be randomly going out tonight.

"Billy?" he heard his mums voice suddenly sound causing him to break from his thoughts and look towards her as she frowned at him. "Yes mum?"

"You look as if your worried about something" she questioned lifting the spoon of tomato soup to her lips as she sipped it being carefully not to burn her lips. All eyes were now on him and he could only gulp nervously before looking over at Johnny. "I'm fine" he mumbled.

"Actually Hel I forgot to mention I got a call from the headmistress she would like to have a word with Billy so I said I'd take him, think she wants to talk to me too" he covered and even Billy was impressed although basically saying he was in trouble at the school was probably not the best idea in the world. "W-why? what has happened Billy? and now? it's late" the concern in her voice made every eye fall back on him. "Nothing to get worried over" he smiled awkwardly. 

"I think I should come"

"NO!" Both Billy and Johnny exclaimed rather loudly not to mention frantically that drew Helena and Nell to look at the pair of them almost in surprise. Johnny smiled awkwardly again before speaking "It's just the headmistress told me it would be best if I were to go...boy stuff" Johnny said the last part in a whisper making Billy's eyes widen. God how he wished he had long enough legs to kick him under the table, now she's going to think he has some problems down below or something to that nature.

"No she didn't!" Billy interrupted feeling embarrassed.

"It's ok Billy, there's nothing to be ashamed about all boys your age sometimes find it awkward to use the urinal at school" now he was bright red, what on earth was Johnny doing! this was passed embarrassing now.

Helena smirked slightly at Billy seeing how red his cheeks had now gone. "Is it because you're not tall enough?" she asked seriously only resulting to Billy shooting her a look which could kill. 

She didn't mean it to sound as if she was teasing but as soon as he got up and left the table she realised it must have come across that way. Looking over at Johnny Helena had to bite her lip from laughing. "Oh bless him, I didn't mean to sound as if i was making fun" she covered her mouth trying to stop from laughing. It wasn't that she was cruel, if that was the reason then she would help him but right now it did seem a little funny and even Nell was trying to hold back the giggles.

"I'll go make sure he's ready" Johnny said a small smile tugging at his lips as he got up. "Am I a terrible mother?" she chuckled placing her hand on his arm as he passed. "course not" he smirked leaning down and kissing her cheek before leaving the kitchen.

Heading up the stairs Johnny knew Billy was probably going to kill him for making an excuse up such as that to get them out of the house. As funny as it might be Johnny knew that Billy didn't find it all that amusing and for that reason he was hesitant to knock on his bedroom door. "Billy?" Johnny asked after he gave one knock.

The door flew open and he grabbed Johnny's arm with his small hand before closing the door quickly behind him. "Why the hell did you say that" he asked, his cheeks still flushed from the embarrassment. Trying not to laugh Johnny bit his lip "I'm sorry I panicked I needed something to make up and quick" he tried to explain as Billy began pottering about his bedroom stuffing random objects into a large black bag which suddenly made Johnny frown. In fact now that he looked at Billy he noticed that he was dressed all in black, had he been like that at dinner?

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