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Sammy POV

I was sleeping so comfortably till my mum woke me up.

Mum: sammy get yo ass up itx 07:35 prepare for school *pulling off the blanket *

Sam: mamma do i have to

Mum: don't you start that with me

Sam: sorry

She walked out of the room and i started to prepare. I did my hygiene then started to dress up. I wore a red long sleeve crop top and light blue jeans with brown teen boots . I put my hair in a tight bun, got my iPhone 6 and went downstairs.

Sam: mum I am off to hell

Mum: very funny. Bye luv you

I started off going to school till i reached. Every one kept looking at me

What the fuck yall staring at

I walked inside the school and everyone was still looking at me. I went to the office got my locker number and my schedule,my first class was math.
I walked in class and the teacher told me to introduce myself

Mr. Johnson : you must be our new student, why don't you introduce yourself to the class

Sam: hey my name is Samantha Lopez and I am new to detroit. I have a mum.

The teacher told me to sit next to a boy with an afro, he was really cute as in reaaaaally cute. I think I'm in love already 😍. Anyway class was over and it was lunch time. I didn't feel hungry so I just sat down and took out my phone. A girl came to me and asked if she could sit with me and i said sure her name was Lisa.
Lisa : so you new hear

Sam: yah are you

Lisa : yah

Sam: cool wanna be friends

Lisa : sure, hears my number

Sam: thanx my name is Samantha by the way

How's it going so far 😀
Do you 👍or do you 👎
💜 yall.

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