Heyyyy I'm Elena:-)

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Hey pickles! I'm Elena! Now, you guys may be like,"but the other two spell your name like 'Elaina'" but THAT IS NOT HOW ITS SPELLED!!!!! So, please spell it like this and correct Delilah and Louis when they do it wrong (haha, that sounds funny). A bit about myself.

1: I am Delouly's number one Shipper! I've been here from the start!

2:I had a crush on Louis until I was fourteen.I knew him before I knew Delilah! Shh, don't tell him!

3:Delilah is MY bestfriend, Louis can back the pickle up. He's dating her, that should be enough!

4: My number one wish right now is for Delouly to fricken prosper.

So, I know I haven't been in the XCaliber Series much(which is where Delilah [and sometimes Louis] writes what's happening EVERYDAY!) but I will be in this book a lot, as I was involved a lot in Delilah and Louis' lives a lot back then.

Omg, this is super fun!

Ok, so... I love you guys!

Oh, and I made a Twitter for us, it's called @XCaliberSeries, I update there sometimes.

On to the story I'm going to tell...

When Delilah and I were thirteen, she got very sick. She coughed a lot and couldn't sleep at night. I stayed in her room to help her when she would throw up and couldn't breath. Louis came a lot too.

We didn't want the officials at XCaliber to find out, as if she was sick enough they would brainwash her and throw her out.

Luckily, she could still go to school and she was smart enough to wear makeup to cover up the rings under her eyes. Louis couldn't be with us during the day, because he was fifteen and went to the upper levels. Sadly, I only had two classes with her, so she was alone during half of the day.

We were doing okay until IT happened.

She went into a coughing fit at school.

She started throwing up and she fell over. She couldn't breath. I was so scared. No one would go get help, or even touch her. Finally, a teacher noticed and took her from me.

I had one thought during this.

"I have to get Louis!"I said to myself

I ran to the upper levels school, and went to go find Louis.

I burst into the class he was in.

"Miss Solmenhalder, what are you doing here?"The teacher said

"I'm sorry sir, but this is an emergency."I said, grabbing Louis hand(it made me blush at the time), and running out.

"What's going on Elena?"He said

"It's Delilah, she had a coughing fit!"I said

He looked shocked, but then he ran. May I add that he was VERY athletic and ran so fast I couldn't catch up? (My boy friend right now can run faster though, but that didn't happen until many years into the future)

For some reason he didn't run to the school, He ran to her cabin.

I see now why he did that. They wouldn't have let an upper levels student into the middle levels school.

We waited there until she came back. When she did she came back sobbing.

"Delilah!"Louis yelled, hugging her

"There going to throw me out"She said in between gasps.

"What?"I said

"There gonna throw me out if it happens again."

Happily, it didn't happen again, even though she coughed for a long time afterwards.

Bye lovelies!

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