The Lonely Troll Poppy

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Branch's P.O.V
I just finished a WONDERFUL dance and sing routine I heard a slow clap "oh awesome I can hear you a mile away!" Poppy said kinda angrily "oh great I thought we weren't projecting enough" I said happily Poppy groaned "If I can hear you so can the Bergens" She said whispering the word Bergens we all groaned "Cmon Poppy!" Biggie groaned and cuddled into Ms. Twinkles more "yeah! We haven't seen a Bergen is twenty years" I said a little annoyed "and you ruin every celebration warning us about the Bergens" Satlin(Satlin not Satin gender bent remember) said making annoyed hand gestures "What no I dont?!" Poppy Said confused

Poppy:THE BERGENS ARE COMING AAAAH*shoves clown and flips table*

Poppy:THE BERGENS ARE COMING AAAAAHH* Shoves groom clown and flips wedding cake*

Poppy:THE BERGENS ARE COMING AAAAAAHH*flips a funeral bed with a clown in it*

FlashBack Over

We all groaned "and by the way I'm not coming to your stupid party" Poppy Said I put on my concerned face "But everyone's coming!" then I handed her a special hand made card just for her I opened it for her its spit glitter in her face she gave me a death glare "I wouldn't be caught dead at your party..." She started "But, you will be..caught and dead" she said moving her hand along her neck Kacy bent her nack down to me "are you sure you wanna invite this party pooper to poop on your party?" Kacy whispered to me I nodded "everyone deserves a chance to be happy!" Poppy glared at me she walked close she opened her mouth to be interrupted GASP Cheek my crush I looked at her I was trying so hard to keep my blush down she walked over to Poppy "settle down there Poppy maybe you should try some positivity a little positivity wouldn't hurt anyone" she said baby talking that last part Poppy smiled huh weird "Okay! I'm positive your all gonna die your gonna all be eaten by Bergens while I'm gonna be safe hidden in my bunker" Suddenly my blue bracelets flower popped out "HUG TIME!" I shouted "hug time indeed" Cheek said smiling we all pushed Poppy in to group hug with us Poppy pushed out walking away I followed her "I sure hope singing and dancing is the way to defeat the Bergens because that's all you know how to do" she said angrily Biggie came up behind me "not true Branch can also scrap book" she said trying to back me up "tch I can't believe your gonna be King one day" she turned around and walked away tears were in my eyes "Don't worry Poppy! Some people just don't wanna be happy" Cheek said booping my noose I giggled "I-I guess" I said smiling

Thanks for reading this chapter of Trolls AU thanks BYE!

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