Hope you like Riddles

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It was a few days before I had heard his voice again. Still, he managed to find me, and I began wondering what he wanted from me. Was he just playing with me? Was he mad about me stealing his trophy? If so, why wouldn't he just ask me to put it back?

I sighed out. I was trapped underground in the sewers. The room was small and dark. The smell of waste alone was reason enough for me to leave. Just as I was headed out with my most recent job item when a cage, made to keep solid waist from clogging the pathways underground, slammed to the ground and his voice said,

"I told you I'd see you again soon."

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Good question, I have an answer too. You seem to spark my interest. I watch you travel all around the city to various objects. When you find them, you bring them back to whom-ever was looking for them. Why do you do that? I answered your question, your turn."

"It's just my job. People pay me to find things. Wh... Did you loose something? If you need me to find it I will. My fee is-"

"No, I want to know the extent of your riddle solving skills. Hope you like riddles, you'll be answering them to save your life. Now, if you don't answer todays riddle correctly I'll be forced to drown you in human waste."

"I do..." I said quietly.


"I do like riddles," I repeated.

"Good, what smells like green paint, pours like purple, and looks like a white van?" I paused a second. My job was finding things because I'm clairvoyant. Riddles had many answers, that's why I liked them. I couldn't just use my abilities to find one answer. I had to pick out the best, or most clever.

"White paint, since you can't tell a paints color by smell, and most paints pour the same. If you were blindfolded and poured a bucket of paint you wouldn't be able to tell the color by how it pours..."

"Very good," Riddler said, allowing me to leave the room. I breath a sigh of relief before leaving. I hesitated for a moment when Riddler said,

"You intrigue me Miss Carter, and I look forward to you solving more riddles." I nodded and walked off with the lost wallet in my hand.

I went back to the man who'd lost his wallet. He accused me of stealing the money out of his wallet, and even being the thief. He sent me away without pay. I sighed, walking home just as poor as I was before, now worse smelling. I was walking past the community pool house when Riddler's voice said,

"Sometimes, when you get in it you sing a song. You might get wrinkly fingers, if you stay in too long."

"A bath..." The door's electric lock turned from red to green. I walked up to the door and pulled it open. No alarms went off... nothing bad seemed to be happening. "Thank you," I said aloud.

Before making it to the pool room I found a lost and found. The sign read 'All items found were washed and dried, to reclaim item ask for employee assistance.' I ignored the sign and dug through for items I could wear. I first took a towel, then found a whole set of clean clothes.

I walked into the pool room and started stripping. Cleaning myself in a pool is better then not getting clean at all. Besides, I can wash the pool smell away in the showering room.

(Riddler POV)

There she stood, fully in the nude. She put her clothes off to the side, in hopes not to get them wet. She dove in the deep end of the pool and popped up on the shallow end, with a relieved gasp. Before she looked filthy. I was glad to see her clean.

As my pants tightened I realized just how glad. I bit my lip so hard it nearly bled. Just the sight of the beautiful woman made me shake. Her once dirty skin was now clean and fair. Her knotted hair was now curly I could tell she had dark brown hair. Her body was fit, probably from jumping roof to roof, and eating so little. My eyes kept on her until it was too hard for me to watch. I turned off the cameras in that room, setting an alarm notifying me if she leaves the pool house.

(Felicity POV)

Tonight was one of the best I'd had in a while. I was clean, actually clean since I found all kinds of bathroom supplies for sale, easy to steal when nobody was around. I found little bottles of shampoo and body wash, enough for me to clean my hair and shave underarms and legs.

The clothes I found fit nicely compared to the last set I wore. I wore green cacti skinny jeans, a purple V-neck shirt, a black hooded sweat-shirt, but the same underwear and bra. I had managed to steal some used deodorant though. At least I look and smell good enough to go places in public.

I went on my way. Leaving the pool house I went to find another client. Some money wouldn't hurt, after all: still got to eat. Unfortunately there wasn't any food in the pool house.

(Two Days Later)

I sat in the ally and balled my eyes out. My only belongings were now the clothes on my back and the Riddler trophy the mugger dropped when robbing me. I held it in my hand tried to hold the sobs in. Although, it was no use. the tears and sobs wouldn't stop. It wasn't the fact that I had nothing left. I could have dealt with that. It was the fact that I hadn't bathed for two days, I'm wearing stolen clothed from the community pool lost and found, I was mugged, and I don't even know if could answer another question today if I wanted to. Even if my life depended on it, and it might.

I forced myself up, and held the trophy close to my chest, under my sweatshirt. I didn't know weather to hope for the Riddler to talk to me, or to hope he wont. I'm lost on what he's doing. What's the point in helping me it you're going to ask me a riddle that may take my life anyway? I pulled up my hood and silently continued to whimper out the last of my tears.

I had walked for hours in an aimless trance. Hoping where ever I end up was warmer then here, or at least had water. Then I found something good. I was walking past a dead end ally when I say a purple question mark. In front of it were two boxed, the front of each marked 'Food.' I walked over to the question mark. I noticed one box was marked yes, and the other no.

"Is an older one hundred dollar bill worth more then a newer one?" Riddler's voiced asked. "While the correct answer will earn you warm soup and two bottles of water, the other will be the same, but poisoned," he warned. I reached my hand out for the 'No' button but realized it was a trick question. If you take out 'older' and 'newer' the question is really asking "Is an one hundred dollar bill worth more then a one?" and the answer is yes. I hit the 'Yes' button instead, and prayed I'm right.

The 'No' box disappears into the ground while the 'Yes' box opened. I bit my lip and reach out for the water. There were three sixteen ounce bottles. There was also a new back-pack with a green blanket, and a small First-Aid kit.

"Why are... you... why give this to me? Why are you helping me?" He didn't answer.

"Hey," I said, sternly, "You make me answer your questions when you answer mine. Why won't you answer this question? Why are you helping me? Do you know how I feel right now? I can't keep doing this. I almost die for you each time you talk to me-"

"Did I try to kill you at the pool?! I'm helping you," he pointed out. I was going to argue but decided it wasn't worth it. Instead I took the back-pack, water, and the food. I threw the paper to the ground.

"I didn't ask for your help," I said quietly.

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