65 More Than Enough

Start from the beginning

"They're all princesses but to me I only see the queen. And I'm now walking beside her as we feast our royal meal."

"So much for loyalty." I chuckled.

"No one said that fairytales have to be perfect,people can't be perfect but their love can be."

"I guess." I finished my hotdog and threw the wrapper in the bin,Luca did the same. I didn't release that we were back in the park until I saw the light coming from the screen shine through the darkness. We were standing far from the spectators.

"I love you Claire." his words caught my attention and I turned my head quickly towards him.

"What?" I asked,stupidly.

"I love you. A lot."


"I know I know,you're not ready and whatsoever but I can't take it anymore. I can't stand the fact that you're actually inches apart from me and I can't hug you and kiss the life out of you."

My heart began to beat faster and I swallowed while looking at his dark brown eyes.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you and Adam. I want you to be my one and only family. I love you both so much,more than I love myself and I'm ready to sacrifice my life for the both of you. I know this is a bit too fast and we only a short while ago but I already know that this love is forever,please give it a chance. Please Claire."

"I can't."


"You never want to be with me when you know the truth." I avoided eye contact with him. It hurt too much to look at him.

"I don't care about the truth,nor the past. I only care about you and only you."

"Please let's go back." I went to walk away but Luca held my forearm and turned me to him pressing his body next to mine.

"Do you love me?" he asked seriously but I couldn't answer. "Do you love me Claire? Yes or no."

"Yes!" my voice broke. "I love you and I want to be with you but I can't I can't! I got-" but my crying was cut off by his lips crashing on mine. For the first time in forever a guy was kissing me and I was kissing him back. I didn't even force anything,my lips moved naturally with his. When I pulled away still a little shock and lighthead,I looked at him and found the most beautiful person in the world.

"See this wasn't very hard." Luca said and I chuckled.

"We should go before they notice." I simply said and we walked back to our spot. To my surprise no one noticed our absence and luckly,we arrived and there was like ten minutes left of the movie. Luca and I didn't talk on the way back but deep in our hearts we knew that there was no need to talk nor say anything,being together is more than enough.


I groaned and let out a deep breath as I turned in bed and started at the ceiling. My mind kept thinking about him and our kiss and I was feeling guilty for not telling him the truth yet.

We went out to the mall today and shopped for different things,we also spend the day just touring the city and wondering in and out different stores. I wanted to take a chance and ask Luca if we can talk but I was chickening out everytime. We were all so tired when we came back and went to our rooms after spending sometime together. It's almost three am and Adam was sleeping next to me,I kept looking at him everynow and then,he always wanted to have a father and he already likes Luca.

I sighed. I'm going to tell him. I'm going to tell Luca that I got...that I got raped. He deserves to know what happened maybe he doesn't want to be with me after he knows and maybe not but I don't care. I'm telling him no matter what the results are.

I quickly got up and wore my slippers,kissed Adam's forehead and headed outside to Luca's room.

My head was spinning a little and my heart was hammering in my chest. My palms began to sweat as I got closer to his door. I knocked with shaky hands and weak knees on the door. No answer. Of course he wouldn't answer this quickly. It's three am for God's sake. I knocked again this time a little louder than before.

"Claire?" Luca yawned as he opened the door while frowing. "Is something wrong?"

My gaze dropped a little to his bare chest and his a trouser that was a little too low but then shook my head and cleared my throat and looked at his face.

"Can we talk?" I asked with a horsed voice.

"Sure." he opened the door for me to come in. I walked inside and sat on a couch while Luca followed me closely.

"Do I get you a drink or something?"

"Water please." I answered. My mouth was very dry and my body was sweating. He came back with a cup of water and I drank it.

"Thank you." I placed it down.

"You said you wanted to talk."

"Right. Since we may continue together as a...couple,I figured out that you deserve to know the truth to why I'm like this."

"Claire I already told you,I don-"

"Even though I want to tell you it." he didn't speak and just looked at me as I tried to balance me breathing. This is it.

"Luca back in Chicago,seven years ago,I walked out of a pub and headed to my car but before I was able to reach it..." my voice became too thick and I couldn't handle it anymore so I began to cry. He quickly came to me and hugged me tightly as I began to cry.

"Before reaching my car-" I tried to speak through the tears.

"Claire,stop I don't even care as long as you love me and I'm with you." he tried to soothe.

"No! You have to know," I lifted my head to look at him. Luca didn't know what to do."Promise me you want leave me once I tell you."

"Claire I don't need to promise I'll never leave you."

"Promise." I insisted with tears in my eyes.

"Fine I promise not to leave you."

"Okay," I breathed slowly and then looked at the ground. Luca was still hugging me and that have me a boost of confidence though my heart was beating like I just ran a marathon. "Before entering my car somebody stopped me and forced me inside. There he...raped me."

When I said this Luca froze and memories started to wash over me the night I came back to the apartment with my broken dignity just wanting what I thought would be my true love to hold me very tight and I would sleep in his arms not thinking about what had happened. I was naïve enough that Walter was actually going to hug me and tell me that everything was going to be alright but he didn't. If anything,he made me feel worse and disgusting.

Luca still didn't speak a word,I was sure by now that he'll snap into reality and kick me out after telling how disgusting what happened to me.

"I can't believe you waited till now to tell me this." he said dryly as I closed my eyes. Here it goes.

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