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Air whisked around a star tinted field, blowing against the star lined fur of a small bundle of cats. "Are you sure about this Firestar?" A soft blue she cat with fire blue eyes asked.

"Yes Bluestar, the clans are in trouble again, and I can't sit here and do nothing." Fire colored fur fluttered, and forest green eyes shown in worry. "Frosttail from WindClan has her kits coming today, it's the only time for at least a moon that we'll get this chance." He persisted further.

"He's right Bluestar." The sruffy black fur, and sharp yellow eyes of an elderly looking she cat mewed from her place.

"Alright, Tallstar are you okay with this?" Bluestar glanced to a black and white tom with a long tail. "WindClan is the clan you come from is it not?"

"I'm sure Firestar will do well in my past clan." The past leader purred softly. "I'll deliver him down there. Come Firestar."

Firestar stayed silent and followed Tallstar through the grass to a pool of water. The two stepped into the pool, and followed the stars down to the moor. Yowls and panting rang through the air, obvious signs of birth, from the nursery. Firestar continued to walk, but was stopped by Tallstar's tail.

"Protect my clan Firestar." The past leader said seriously.

"Of course Tallstar, I will protect all of the clans." With that, he turned and stepped into the nursery where the medicine cat howled and pushed. Firestar watched as a bright orange kit laid on the ground, it's pelt strikingly similar to his own. "Here goes nothing." He whispered and placed his starry paw on its head. Suddenly, everything went black in Firestar's head as he fell unconscious.
"Mew!" A loud mew rang from the muzzle of a fire pelted kit. "Mew mew!" He cried, the scent of milk making him struggle over to warmth. He felt two other bodies push against him while he suckled the milk from his mother.

"Hungry little kit isn't he?" A sweet voice cooed from a she cat, the sound filling his ears and relaxing him while he ate.

"Indeed Frosttail, but so are his sister's." A much deeper voice answered, but the kit was too hungry to really care, not that he could see anyway. "So what should we name them?"

"I like Ashkit for this dusty grey one, and Harekit for the light ginger one." The she cat's voice spoke again. "Now for this little guy..."

"Sunkit? No wait, Firekit!" The deep voice exclaimed, startling the tom kit, and the two bodies next to him. Three little voice started crying loudly, unlatching from their mother.

"Foxfur!" The she cat spoke, and Firekit felt something curl around them. "Don't be so loud, we'll call him Firekit but you scared them!"

"S-Sorry Frosttail..." The voice was strained apologetically. Firekit quieted down, suddenly feeling tired. He shifted and moved atop of one of his littermates, his tummy laying vertically over their back.

I actually got this idea after reading kittennoodle's story Tigerpetal's Refelction. However they are not related in any way other than with reincarnation.

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