I averted my gaze as I mumbled “Not exactly.”

“What do you mean by that?”

I took in a deep breath, deciding to tell her my plan.

“Well, basically, I’m gonna make them think that they’re helping, make them think that I’m better, so that they’ll let me go. I’ll be sent back to America, and even though I probably won’t ever see Michael again, at least I’ll be out of this place. 

Kirstin was silent for a while before opening her mouth, but quickly closing it again.

“I’m not fixable! I already know that. I’m a screw up. I don’t know why I even bother living anymore at this point.” I said, before covering my mouth. I hadn’t meant to say that last part out loud. Obviously I had strongly contemplated suicide, many times in fact. 

Kirstin looked at me in a shocked manner. 

“Rebecca, please don’t say that.”

I didn’t respond, but instead got up and walked to my next class. I couldn’t trust my mouth at the moment, I had no idea what other secrets I’d spill.

Halfway through my next class, a woman dressed in a nurses outfit walked in.

“Sorry to interrupt your lesson, but could I possibly borrow Rebecca for a bit?”

My teacher nodded quickly, before continuing with her lesson. 

I stared at the lady in the doorway, before getting up and walking towards her. I was very confused, as I had never seen her before.

I felt everyone in the class staring at me as I walked across the room, and I knew that every single person was judging me. They were all making fun of what I was wearing, how my hair looked, the fact that I was getting called out by a nurse. 

Once I was out in the hall and the door was closed, the lady turned to face me.

“Hi hun,” she began. “My name is Nurse Kelly.”

I weakly smiled at her, letting her continue.

“I came to get you because your friend, Ashton, has been asking for you non stop.”

I stared at her in shock. I thought he’d want nothing to do with me after what Michael did.

“Um, I don’t think that’s such a good idea…” I quietly said.

“Please Rebecca. He really wants to see you, he honestly won’t shut up about you.” She said with a slight chuckle.

After a moment of silence, I agreed and let her lead me to the infirmary. 

She nocked on a door before pushing it open and allowing me to walk inside.

Ashton’s head snapped up instantly, “Rebecca!” he exclaimed, and held out his bandaged arms for a hug. I hesitantly walked over and gave him a quick hug, before pulling back and taking in his appearance.

He was covered in casts, bandages, and bruises. I couldn’t believe that Michael was capable of this.

“I’m, um, I’m sorry about Michael…” I trailed off.

“It’s alright, gorgeous, it wasn’t your fault at all,” He said. 

 His name choice for me made me a bit uncomfortable, but I decided to shrug it off. I sat down in the chair next to his bed and let out a sigh.

Ashton grabbed my hand and began rubbing his thumb across my knuckles, just like what Michael used to do. I winced at the thought, but let her continue as I was the reason he was like this in the first place.

“Are you okay, love?” He asked, noticing how tense I was.

“Um yeah, I’m alright. I just feel bad. It’s all my fault that you’re here, it’s all my fault that you’re hurt. I just hate how I always ruin everything.

“Please don’t say that about yourself babe, none of this was your fault. It was just a little disagreement between Michael and I. Please don’t take any of the blame, I just want you to be happy. I lo-“ He quickly stopped speaking and let go of my hand, slightly shocking me at his sudden movements. 

I wasn’t quite sure, but it sounded like he had started saying that he loves me, and the thought of that scared me. I was Michael’s, I was not Ashton’s, I was not anyone’s except Michael’s.

A/N I greatly appologize for the long wait! I had so much school work, so I've been busy with that and studying for the SAT, but today we had a snow/bad weather day even though I live in Texas and there is not even a speck of snow to be seen... 

Also, I am starting a new fanfic but I can't decide which boy to write it about.. So leave a comment telling me which boy (Luke, Ashton, or Calum)  you'd like me to write about! It's going to be a lot different from this story, and hopefully a lot better written!

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