Chapter Two

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Hello everyone! I'm the co-writer of this fanfic(:

I don't usually publish my writings, so I'd love to hear some comments, and if you like it please vote and follow! I'm a bit new to this but I'm trying my hardest!



A single reading light was left on in the small room, pointed at an open book clutched in the hands of a sleeping teenager - that teenager being me. Footsteps echoed from the end of the dark hallway, getting louder and louder as they neared my bedroom door. They were what woke me up, but I stayed lying still. I did not stir at the noise. I had no clue who was about to walk in his open door, the only thoughts in my mind were the magnificent dreams that ha been occurring behind my closed eyelids.

A figure appeared in the doorway, and I could feel it staring at me as I slept peacefully.

The shadowy figure advanced, moving closer to me until she finally exclaimed, laughing, "John! You've fallen asleep reading that book again! Here, I've got a letter for you. Just came in the mail. I read it, it's kinda weird. I think it's junk but eh, maybe it's some online thing you've gotten yourself into."

I jolted upright, wiping small amounts of drool off my face, staring at his elder sister.

"What're you talking about, Harriet? Give it here!" I swiped the paper from her and read it quickly, ignoring her as she walked out of my room.

I considered myself a smart boy, and I had done my research before. I knew all too well of this Hogwarts. The day I discovered my powers a mere few weeks ago, I cracked down on the source. Evidence only supported in old library books and hidden websites, Hogwarts seemed a place of myth. The parchment held in my hands told me differently, claiming that Hogwarts was a real school, and I, John Watson, would be allowed entry.


"Mum? Dad?" I said, feeling rather scared and small, coming down the stairs and into the living room. I moved nervously until I was at the couch, shakily standing in front of my parents, a piece of parchment clenched in my hand like it was the last thing I would ever hold. As my parents asked what it was, I started to explain, "I have... an ability. Um... it's... complicated... but, but there's programs to help one with this... ability. I can move things with my mind, I can make glass shatter, and door's unlock. I'm... I'm a wizard, and I wish to go to a school to help me control my magic. It sounds stupid, I know, but... but look! This came in the mail for me!" I handed the paper to father, and together my parents read it, out loud. My nerves grew to be more on the edge. My parents were not always the most supportive people, especially not my father and I didn't see that this would be any different.

"John... I believe you," my mother said, surprisig me. "This is incredible! I'll take you to get your things, we'll find out where to buy them." My mother stood up and hugged me close, showing her support.

My father was a bit different.

"I can't believe you would fall for such a scam. This will be a waste of our money, and a waste of our time."

"Father... I promise it's real," I whimpered, the small feeling coming back.

"If you believe this so much, lets make a compromise. You go, you spend /my/ money, you waste your mother's time, and show up to this false school. If the school turns out to be real, you can stay, if not, you owe me twice as much as I paid to get you there. How does that sound?" he smirked, thinking that he had obviously won.

"I-I... Yes.. yes. I agree." I said strongly and resisted the smile that dared to cross my face. My father obviously didn't think I would win, but I knew more about this than he did.

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