"Plus, we barely come to school. Ditching class in no biggie. Well, we meaning everyone except Shawny boy. He has perfect attendance." Cameron winces at his friend who beams proudly.

Johnson clears his throat, "So," He glances from Steven to Ethan, suspicion glittering in his eyes, "Which boy is annoying you."

Before I could say anything. Gilinsky is up in Ethan's face. His eyes studying his expression like he's some sort of suspect, "Hey, aren't you the douche bag who Kendall has the biggest crush on."

"Um?" Is all Ethan can say before the four boys have circled him completely, like a pack closing in on their prey.

"Yeah, aren't you the one who gives her hell every single day." Cameron eyes him.

"Uh huh, you're the one who sent out that embarrassing video of her, ruining her life." Shawn spits. The expression on his face is stern. I've only known him for a little while and I already love him.

Johnson just straight up latches his hands onto Ethan's head pulling it toward him, "Where are those stupid blonde highlights of yours."

Ethan's hand fly's to his hair, "OW OW OW."

I purse my lips, "Guys, wrong guy. He's the one annoying me." I point to Steven who has his arm still slung around y shoulder. The boys forget about Ethan in an instant, now swarming Steven.

Johnson speaks first, "Who do you think you are a big guy, BEAT IT."

Steven apparently has really bad anger issues and snaps, "I wouldn't be talking. I mean what are you going to do Shrimp?" His blue eyes twinkle with anger.

Gilinsky, immediatley takes his place in the narrow space between JJ and Steven. His height a perfect match, "Hey blue eyes, might be a good idea to back down before we whoop your ass."


Johnson, Shawn, and Cameron all clench they're fist at the same time as Gilinsky smirks. I stand, wondering how long they've been practicing that.

That's not all they had up their sleeve. Johnson jumps onto G's back in ons swift movement, "Plus we're double your size."

Ethan pipes up, "Hey, hey. Just a clarification I'm a good guy." He looks at me for a little support and I nod my head, confirming what he said. Right now wasn't a good time to start a fight, right now was a good time for explanations and clarifications.

"Yeah, He's Grayson's twin. The older and probably smarter one." I snort, remembering how bad Grayson is at spelling, "And Johnson he doesn't have highlights or he doesn't have them any longer."

Cameron taps his finger together in excitement, "Oh it's the nerdy twin."

"You mean a fuckboy in disguise." Steven snorts. Johnson shoots him a scowl, obviously not wanting him to talk.

"I think we're going to get along really well." Cameron bro punches Ethan and they share a man hug. Gilinsky doesn't miss an opportunity to make a friend, so it doesn't take him long to join in on the celebration, "I think you can count us all in as well."

The boys all share bro fist bumps, bro man hugs, and bro chest bumps. All the boys except Steven.

"So why are you here anyway, Ethan?" I ask, breaking up their moment.

Ethan sighs, fishing his phone from his pocket, "Sadly, I'm on Grayson's phone contact list." His phone plays the horrible video. I quickly, push it away from my face.

"Can we not go there." I sigh. Ethan nods and continues his story, "So if my brother's up to all this I had to come. Especially after how things unraveled in New Jersey. Wouldn't want that to happen again."

I bob my head up and down in agreement, "I'm glad you came and I'd love to continue being sappy but I'd like to get the hell out of here before everyone is out of their class. Life may have gotten a teensy bit better with your arrival but I'm still going through hell because of your bro bro." I explain and Ethan mouths a 'sorry', "So if you'll excuse me. I got to get my stuff."

"I can come with babycakes," Steven suggests.

I frown, "Uh who are you again?"

The boys laugh but blue eyes didn't seem to get discouraged that easily. "I'm Steven. Steven Kelly." He introduces.

His name brings a sudden avalanche of horrible horrible memories, "Oh Grayson's hippy sidekick back in New Jersey. Come to feed off his fame again?" I snap. Honestly, I didn't mean to be rude but this boy was testing his limits, "And you aren't applicable to call me anything but Miss. Johnson. Hope that's clear."

Ethan snorts, "Damn Kendall, didn't know you've become such a savage."

My eyes meet the guys standing next to Ethan, "Well I've got some pretty savage friends." A quick glance at the clocks brings me back into reality, "Guys, I've really got to go."

Without another word, I dash down the hallway to my locker. Steven chasing close behind, "I CAN GIVE YOU A RIDE?!"

I scowl at him, "Will you just shut up already. You'll attract a teacher. And Teachers give detention. If I get a detention I'll be pissed. And if I'm pissed it'll be at you."

"Great. Meet you in the car." He winks before hobbling off. Guess he doesn't speak English. I turn towards my locker and quickly grab my bag and all my books, considering the fact that I won't be coming to school for a few good months.

It takes me a second to reach the reception again. Just as I'm about to open the door, something inside me stops my hand from turning the knob. Instead, I press my head against the wall, attempting to hear what they're saying. I can only catch a few words but the words have got me hooked.

"I know we've just met but I'm going to need your help otherwise my brother might end up making the biggest mistake of his life." Ethan pleads. It seems that I've missed some sort of explanation. The boys know something I don't and I plan on finding out.

There's a moment of silence and I can imagine the four idiots I know, sharing glances, communicating through their eyes.

Then one of them clears their throat, it's Cameron, "Ok we're in. Tell us what we have to do."


Lemme tell you something, shit is going to get REAL. There's a HUGE plot twist coming up so prep yourself.


Side note: Ethan has his short hair haircut bc that's my fav

Also thanks for 1k followers, it's such a huge achievement for me. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

as always, if you liked the story please VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW ME.

gtg read this amazing fanfic



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