Common Thought

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  • Dedicated to The American People

Common Thought

By: Tyler Ray Grable

Once in 1776, a man named Thomas Paine wrote a book named Common Sense. His book talked about how the king ran his countries and how they should be run, mine will talk about how our country is run and how it is ran partly wrong.

Chapter 1


Our country is run on the thought that everyman is created equal, no child is left behind, and everyone has the right to choose and the right to speak. Some of these, while partly true, are partly wrong. They are part wrong by the way they are practiced, and the way the people do not fully understand them. Our founding fathers, however many there are, thought everyman is equal. Of course besides the black man, they had the chance to end slavery in the United States when they wrote the constitution, yet they let it last nearly another 100 years until President Abraham Lincoln abolished it. We are doing something in this country that is the same thing, yet no one understands what it is, most people in this country doesn’t even know what it is. I will give you a few sentences and hints to think what it is before I tell you. Everyman is created equal, but yet what does the constitution count as “everyman”? Does it count every Black, Hispanic, Asian, woman, child as a person or “man”? If it did then why did we have slavery if “everyman” is equal? We had slavery because our founding fathers thought blacks were 3/5th a man, therefor not a man. We are doing this in our country as I speak, this is what I was waiting on. Children. Children are not counted as “equal man” in this country right now, well, not all of them. If we are equal, then you may ask yourself why I said “not all of them”? Some children can be counted as an “adult” which I take it as our word for “man”. Recently children have been taking guns to school and shooting and killing teachers, classmates, and if not school they are killing parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers. Yet, only some of them are counted as “adults”. Parents say “they didn’t know better”, yet when I was 8 I knew guns don’t kill people, people kill people. I am sure 99% of people in America agree with that. If an 8 year old goes to school with a gun and kills 8 students, one shot in the head, 2 shot in the stomach, 4 shot in the neck, and 1 shot in the heart, that student will possibly be tried as a child. That means when he turns 18, no one will remember those who he shot and killed. No one is going to walk down the street and notice that “new adult” as the 8 year old who shot and killed 8 children 10 years ago. All because that 8 year old “didn’t” know that killing was bad, that ending someone’s life is wrong. One of those 8 kids might have been the next president, the next police officer who saved someone, the next fireman who stopped a fire from spreading, the next scientist who finds a cure for cancer. Yet, no one thinks of that, no one thinks that the mother or father of one of those kids killed themselves because their child died, that makes 9 people that 1 child killed, that 1 child who no one will remember as the killer once he turns 18. If everyman is created equal then that child who killed those kids, and who knows how many parents, should be tried as an “adult”. We should not categorize someone as being a “child” and being an “adult”, we should categorize that child as a murderer, which is what he is. If we can make rapist categorize themselves, why can’t we do it to murderers, robbers, or any criminal for that matter. I say “everyman” is a joke. Not every man is created equal, only some are. 

Chapter 2

The Choice

Everyone in America has the right to choose what they want to be, what religion they are, what school they go to, what they do with their time, what and what and what. I could go on listing, as most of us could. This topic is one that America got partly right, partly. This topic is one that is under attack by our government, and our people. We all have the choice to go to college. We can choose which college we go to, what we want to major in, how we pay for it. This is not under attack, but it soon could be if the government makes one choice illegal. Like I did last chapter, I will give you some sentences to think and guess what it is I am talking about. We are a country that attacks one, and then attacks the rest. We attacked terrorist , then attacked Afghanistan and Iraq. We took the little man out then went after the big man. Our people do this in schools, in work places, in our households. This is the topic of one of my chapters. Now, the thing I was talking about before, choices. What is that one choice I was talking about, have you figured it out yet? The one choice is not a choice a man can make, nor is it part of a man’s body.  This choice is abortion. Abortion, a choice made by a woman, in the act of getting rid of a child they do not want. If we take away the choice for a woman to have an abortion, we take away their rights of choice. American people think this is killing. But, let me remind you, a woman can only get an abortion before 20 weeks. On the 20th week, the woman can tell what the gender of the baby is. Why can’t they get rid of a baby of whom we cannot hold, cannot see, and cannot tell if it is a boy or girl? The woman’s choice is getting attacked. If abortions become illegal we are taking away a doctors salary, which ruins the doctor’s career of which they choose. You see, if we get rid of one, we get rid of another. To the people who complain about abortions: It is not your choice. It is the one who is pregnant choice. Yes it is wrong that the government has to pay for this, and I think that needs to stop. We give the people the choice, that does NOT mean we have to fund their choice.  Yes, we should fund some, but not all. We should fund the choice to go to school. We should not fund a church. If we help one church more than another then we are destroying the other churches. There needs to be a separation of church and state. Period. This was a short chapter because like I said, this I one that America got partly right. We need to stop attacking choices or this chapter can become really big, really fast. Stand up for your choice and never, never let someone tell you you cannot do something. (Please respect the law though.)

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