“Hi?” I offer up, not really sure what else to say.

Everyone appears to be sizing me up, which kind of makes me feel like I really am a pork chop and these people are getting ready to devour me. After a few minutes, they all just smile at me, and that creeps me out even more. It’s possible that they’re so desperate for new meat to hang out with that they really don’t care if they’re bringing a girl that, yes, looks the part, but rather be in the fetal position rocking back and forth while talking about men in spandex suits. Either way, they seem to somewhat accepting me which worries me.

Abigail pushes me into a seat next to a boy with curly black hair. He smiles at me, and I see him getting ready to say something. My first social interaction of one of the gang. Yay me? “Do you have a map? ‘Cause I’m getting lost in your eyes.”

I almost fall out of my chair. I didn’t see that coming. I always prided myself on being prepared for anything, but the lameness of that pick-up line and shock of getting hit on this fast just took me by surprise. Apparently I’m no Boy Scout.

Giggling, the girl with the black curls waves him off. “Oh, don’t mind Chase, Lila. He hits on everyone. Actually make that, every time he talks to someone, he has a new pickup line. Want to know what’s scary? The fact that I haven’t heard the same one twice!”

“Oh, that’s…interesting.” I scoot further away from him in my seat.

“Did it work?” Chase’s grass green eyes light up at the prospect of it.

“No, no, it didn’t work. Sorry.” I wonder if I slowly and slyly scoot my chair away, he would notice. Somehow, I think he would. I settle for shifting away from him in my seat.

“Baby, are you tired? ‘Cause you’ve been running in my mind all day.” An ecstatic smile spreads across his face.

I shake my head, and find a small smile creeping up on my face. Quickly, I shut it down. Even though I’m slightly amused by this, he might take that as I like him and that’s totally not happening. I’m more likely to mace him than date him. “Still a no.”

“That’s depressing.” His face scrunches up.

While twirling a strand of her hair, Abigail turns to talk to the girl with curls. “Elena, did you see the outfit my sister was wearing today? She totally stole my bright blue sparkly top. I hate her!”

“Omigosh, that’s terrible. Why would you allow her to do that?” A girl that reminds me of one of my old best friends, Jaymey, gives Abigail a confused look. Right down to the bottle blonde hair since I can see her cocoa brown roots showing, she has the same befuddled look Jaymey always wears and that annoying high-pitched voice.

I quickly shake off that thought. I don’t need to bring back the bad memories of Chicago. This girl’s obviously not Jaymey, and I don’t need to think about her anymore. I’m in a different town, in a different state where those things don’t exist. Got it, me, got it? I just need to forget about everything, like it never happened.

“Obviously I didn’t allow her, you idiot. You’re so stupid sometimes, Cassie.” Abigail scowls and rolls her eyes.

“Now, play nice, ladies.” Finally coming outside, Logan has his beer back in his hand and gives me a wink. He eyes the spot next to me but ends up sitting next to another guy on the porch railing.

“Shut up, Logan. I always play nice.” Abigail gives him a suggestive smile.

“Where’s Noah at, Logan? I thought he was back in town,” another random guy with blond hair next to Logan says.

The (Im)Perfect EscapeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ