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I knew no boundaries
If there were any,
I played with her feelings
There were so many.

Each ended in betrayal
And each left in disgust.
No matter how much I tried,
I couldn't satisfy my lust.

My lust for their bodies,
My lust for the pleasure,
My lust for the ladies,
My lust for their treasure.

I knew I was guilty.
I shouldn't have traveled down this route.
Loathing myself,
My future filled with doubt.

The feeling was priceless.
Before me they trembled in terror.
Some termed me ruthless.
Others called me a serial killer.

I ruined many lives,
Many perished by my hand.
Unheard went their cries,
As their blood turned to sand.

My mind was clouded
And my heart was shallow,

It wasn't before long
I was shown to the gallows.

The trial was long,
I had almost won.
What I did was wrong,
For my life I had to run.

Alas! I stand in this pumpkin patch
Regret filling my soul,
I wish to make myself whole again
I must re-enact my role.

All the world's a stage
And we are mere players,
Your whole life is an act
No friends, just betrayers.

Finishing his tale he heaved a sigh of relief. All the pain within which he let go, still lingered in the stale air around me as I processed his writing. Dropping the piece of wood he dissipated, leaving behind his suffering. Off his soul went over the fence, out into the world that I shall never see again. The world I can only see through their lines.

A lot had changed. Suffering now bore a different meaning. I had presumed that after their wars, peace might reign at last. But I guess it was too much to hope for mankind seeing how much they have damaged themselves. Simple men like him turned into ruthless killers because of their past experiences and needs. He was responsible for putting himself into that state but he not only ruined himself, he also ruined many other lives that crossed his path. He let all the betrayal, heartbreak get to him.

Watching the last of his essence drift over the fence, I turned back to the view spread out in front of me. Across the cobblestone path, through the woods, I could make out another faint shimmer making its way towards my patch....

A/N: Well here we come to the end of our first story. Tell me what you think of it.

*What should the next one be?

Ballads of The UndeadWhere stories live. Discover now