"Yes, almost anyways" I smirk.

"Is that how you have Harvey wrapped around your little finger? Does he know?" He asks.

"No, and please don't tell him"

"Your going to tell him, right?"

"Yes, I will, let him hear it from me please"

"I mean the spell too"

"I know"


Theo and I arrive outside my house the same time Kylie does.

"Hey stranger" She smiles walking towards me and embracing me in a hug. Theo stands by his car.

"Ky, this is Theo, Theo this is Kylie" I introduce them to one another. Kylie gives him a friendly smile and Theo nods.

"Don't be rude" I swat his arm playfully as Kylie laughs. "And you two are?" She asks smirking shaking Theo's hand.

"Friends" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah right, lets go inside I'm starving" Kylie laughs.

I have to find Freya before Theo can come inside. The deed to the house is in Freya's name and she needs to invite him in.

"Come in" She calls from the courtyard.

"Hope, is that you?" My dad calls coming downstairs.

"Hello darling, who's your friend?" He asks seeing me. He's in a good mood.

"Dad this is Theo, he gave me his blood when Aurora attacked me, Theo this is my dad" I introduce Theo to my dad.

"You saved my daughters life, thank you" He shakes his hand. I'm surprised my father is actually genuinely thanking this stranger for saving my life.

"Is dinner ready?" I ask interrupting my dad. He nods in reply to my question.

"Of course it is, I hope your both hungry" My father says guiding me to the dining room as Theo follows. On our way he pulls over a maid. She's compelled, they all are.

"Bethany be a dear and get this gentleman a fresh drink, we'll be in the dining room" He tells the maid.

"I'm fine with a blood bag" Theo tells my dad. I'm surprised he's getting along so well with everybody. I don't know what I expected but not this. I thought that something would go terribly wrong as always.

"Please, it's not everyday our family can actually come together and sit around a table and besides your our guest" My dad tells Theo, I think my dad is taking a liking to Theo.

We enter the dining room, I introduce Theo to Rebekah, Elijah, Kol and my mom. He must think I'm insane introducing him to my entire family but I guess he was the one who invited himself.

We take our seats at the table and an over the top three course meal is served to us. I sit in between Kol and Theo. Rebekah, my mom and Kylie sit across from us. My dad and Elijah sit at each end of the table.

"I would have been fine with Pizza and Chips" I tease my dad jokingly. He rolls his eyes and releases a small chuckle.

We have no reason to be having this big family dinner, but it has been a while since we've all been here. Kylie triggered her curse, I was sentenced to death and Rebekah was killing uncontrollably in Europe. I guess family is what we all need right now.

"So far, so good" Theo leans over and whispers in my ear earning a glare from Elijah as he is the only one who notices. "So far" I smirk reminding him.

"Dad, where's Freya?" I ask noticing her absence and remembering she left after inviting Theo in.

"She had errands to run I believe, but promised she would be back for dessert" He tells me.

"Theodore, is it?" Rebekah asks.

"Yeah, Theo's fine" He tells her.

"Your a vampire right?" Rebekah asks even though she knows and Theo nods. Here it comes the interrogation.

"When did you turn?" My mom asks. I look to Kylie for help to change the subject but she just laughs. Why can't my family just be a normal family or at least act normal when a friend comes over.

"Almost five months ago" Theo tells my mom. He doesn't seem bothered about being asked. "And how old are you?" Elijah asks.


"How did you turn?" Elijah asks. Theo drops his fork from his hand to the table and looks down at his plate. I notice his hand shaking on the table. Without thinking about my family in the room I place my hand over his.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly and wait for a reply. "I'm sorry it seems I've hit a nerve please, forget I asked" Elijah apologies.

"It's fine" Theo tells him and pulls his hand away from mine. "I'm sorry" I apologise again on my uncles behalf, only Theo hears me. "I said it's fine" He tries to smile but fails.

"Well doesn't this look like fun?" A red haired woman enters the dining room with a evil grin.

"Aurora" My dad spits getting up from his chair and walks towards her. "Not another step darling, I don't want any trouble now" She says keeping that hideous grin on her face.

For a moment I forget she's a vampire. Then I remember the deed to the house. She hasn't been invited in. The deed is in Freya's name. She couldn't get in unless,

"Freya" I choke paying no attention to the current situation.

(A/N: The picture at the start of the chapter is the new character cast. Lottie hasn't been mentioned yet she will be a new character soon and I imagine Gigi Hadid as her. Thanks for reading)

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