Chapter 14: Fightin' Words

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The big boy threw her off him and got to his feet, but Ginny was on her feet just as fast. She ran at him and threw him back to the ground but before she could get another punch in Kody had pulled her off him. She struggled against him, trying to get back at the boy who didn't seem to mind Kody's presence in the least. He lunged at them with his arm drawn back but Jack caught his fist. He looked up at Jack, his broad shoulders towering over him, and released the tension in his arm. Jack let go of his fist and shoved him back, but the boy managed to keep on his feet.

Ginny was still trying to wiggle free of the hold Kody had on her but he managed to wrestle her arms behind her back and pin them there.

"Go home, all of you," he commanded.

J.D. and Becky immediately obeyed and ran off, but the boy stood there heaving, staring at Ginny. She tried in vain to break free and get at him but Kody threw her over his shoulder so she couldn't see her provoker.

"You deaf?" he reiterated. "Get outta here."

This time the boy cracked his neck, turned, and walked off. Ginny still struggled against Kody as they headed back toward the diner.

"Put me down!"


"Put me down now!"

"Not 'til you settle down!"

She stopped squirming and after a minute he let her walk but held her tight by her upper arm, dragging her along. When they got back in front of the diner, he jerked the passenger door of the truck open and all but threw her in. "Don't bleed on the seats!" He slammed the door shut and stalked around to the other side and got in, slamming his door as well. Jack went back in the diner to pay for the half-eaten meal. They sat in the truck, both staring angrily straight ahead.

"What were you thinking?" he snapped.

She didn't say anything.

"Who was that?"

"Sam Green," she mumbled.

"What's your problem with him?"


"You just punched him. Just because."

She crossed her arms and turned her head the other way.

"He needs to learn to keep his mouth shut."

"He needs to learn to keep -?" he spluttered. "You need to learn to act like a decent human being! What did Mama tell you about that?"

She stared out the passenger window. "Why should I be decent when he ain't?"

The bells on the diner's door jingled and Jack emerged. Ginny scooted over to accommodate him; Jack and Kody were a tighter squeeze than Mama and Kody. Once he was in, Kody started the truck, backed up, and headed home. They rode out of town in silence.

"He was saying things about Tommy and Danny," Ginny finally admitted, quietly.

"And what concern is that of yours?" Kody asked. " I didn't even see either of them around."

"That's just it. He was saying horrible, mean, awful things about them and their brothers and their daddy and their dead mama and they weren't even there to defend themselves."

"Where were they?"

"The Priest makes 'em eat supper. They weren't back yet."

Kody shook his head. "You can't do that. You can't just go around beating up whoever says anything about you and yours that you don't agree with."

Dirty Faces- Book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon