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A/N Hey everybody! I hope you enjoy experiencing White Mountain Academy through the eyes of its youngest prisoner. I have tried to forget the day-to-day things from the Academy, so I am only telling the points that are impossible to forget

~Thalia Landers

If I had to give you a specific point when my life started falling apart, it would be when Julia died. We were driving to a party she had convinced me to go to, fighting over who should get shotgun. After a few minutes of playful bickering, I let her win. We were both belting out to Blank Space when the truck swerved in front of us. I didn't even register the impact until afterwards.

After the dust cleared, I realized was curled into a ball. I uncurled, immediately checking around. My mom seemed okay, though her eyes were wide and she was frozen. After a second of relief, I turned to Julia. I had to swallow the bile in my throat.

Her face was pale, her head lolling at a terrible angle. Her dress that she spent hours picking out was singed and covered in blood. I might not of mentioned this, but the whole time I was watching this, my senses were fading in and out. HD image of Julia, dead, blurry view of the interior of the totalled car. Siren noises wailing on and off, like my brain was flipping a switch.

My reaction eventually kicked in through the haze. I pressed the alert button on the ceiling and somehow got out, though can't remember how. I just know that I did, and know it was without my mom, or Julia.

Eventually an ambulance came, and they took the three of us to the hospital. We were there for who knows how long, and only two of us left.  

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