Someone doesn't like you

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Emma doesn't like you. You showed up right when she was starting to develop feelings for Hook.You know this but you couldn't  care less she had her chance an she blew it. Just like Hook said "One of these days im going to stop chasing that woman."


Felix doesn't like you he believes you took peter away from him. Also he believes that you replaced him at being peters right hand man. But lets say a long chat in front of the thinking tree to peter got him treating you and Felix as equals and now he looks at you like a little sister.


Peter is jealous that you are making Felix love someone. He wanted Felix to fall in love with Wendy to get her off his back but once your sister came to never land lets say Wendy went back to London, and your sister is the new ...Queen.


Regina. Plain and simple, she doesn't want to loose Henry to someone but once Henry told her no one could ever make her loose him. She now is like a mother to you.


Rumpelstiltskin he despises you. He doesn't want to loose bea again but he already has.When he tried to poison the first love bea ever had ......YOU.


Mary Margret she was jealous that you got the prince. She was his first true love but one thing was it wasn't fate. Fate is the most unexpected event and that's exactly what you And David felt.

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