New House, New Rules

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We entered the orphanage. The kids were nice there was just one problem...
The nuns, I wasn't raised as all the other kids were, example:
Nice, polite and everything I'm not.
*Dinner Time*
There was a room with children practicing their manners,
"Back straight!" She said.
"God what have I got myself into?!" I whispered walking over to the table.
There was this one girl I laid my eyes on. She seemed like me, not very happy to be there..
I sat next to her, "Hey, my names Dakota what abo-"
"GIRLS! No talking at the table! Bad manners" one of the children said.

*Bed Time*
The day went past and I found myself in the bed already fast asleep.
I had a nightmare, I was locked in the room the only escape through the fire...
The only thing I heard was echoes, "manners." Repeatedly.
I woke up in shock.
I woke up to the sound of the bell, which means breakfast.
"Oh! It's that girl from yesterday!" I said to myself.
I walked up to her.
"Hey again,"
She looked at me and said "Hi, I'm Charli."
"I hate manners" I said
"Me too! I think it's stupid to learn manners."
"Well I mean, when we find a family we have to be nice and respectful right?"
"Yeah, I guess so." She said walking to the table with me.
"Good Morning Girls,"
"Good morning Miss." The children said
"Good morning bitch" I whispered.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA" Charli burst out.
They all laid their eyes on her.
"What's so funny Charli?" The nun said curiously.
"Um... I-I er... Have.."
"SHE HAS LAUGHING SEIZURES" I said from across the table.
She rang her bell and commanded  us back to the room.

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