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Pyro woke up confused on his location as he looked around seeing that he was back in his room again.

Pyro's POV
I blinked a couple times as i lifted the covers off of me. I had some sky blue pajamas with paopu fruit prints on them, yeah I know what you're thinking for a 15 year old boy I still wear pajamas honestly they're very uncomfortable. I sighed as I shivered I suddenly feeling my body get weaker by the second. The last thing I remember is coughing up water before passing out

Atari's POV
I woke up back in my own room looking around confused on my location. I felt my head and felt my hair as if a tornado came by it. I stood up as I'm wearing black and pink pajamas with sea salt ice cream prints on them. I opened the door carefully hoping mommy or daddy wasnt awake yet. I made it out to the hallway successfully without being noticed but with my luck mommy and daddy was awake. I sighed as I slowly walked towards Pyro's room turning the doorknob quietly and carefully. I heard bad coughing coming from Pyro as his skin looked extremely pale my body began to shake as I walked to him and shook him "Pyro..? Pyro...!" I said softly trying not to yell. Pyro didnt move an inch as I over heard mom calling everyone "Riku! Pyro! Atari!" I overheard my mom call us. I sighed as my body began to shake as I quickly went out of Pyro's room "Uh oh...he's probably sick since we went to the island" I said in my head as  I went into the kitchen. "Hey honey! Can you call Pyro?" Asked my mom. I blinked at her as I looked at the table there was Paopu fruit pancakes with honey and syrup on them and butter with scrambled eggs and bacon and a glass of orange juice next to the plates. I quickly went up the stairs into Pyro's room waking him up. "I-im awake" I overheard Pyro mutter "Your not need medicine I'll be right back."

Pyro's POV
I layed my head back on my soft pillow as I felt my head pounding in pain "ugh...why am I like this..I feel so weak and sick since that shadow ran towards me.." I wondered in my head. Little by little I began to doze off until Atari came in my room. She had a big bottle of medicine as she carefully poured the liquid in a small cup. The whole room was filling with the smell of cherries as she gave me the cup and I drank it. I blinked and slowly sat up as she looked at me "Mom made breakfast it would he such a good idea if you would eat" Atari told me. I said no response as I stood up feeling Atari grab my hand dragging me downstairs. I sat down on my chair as i began to eat my breakfast hearing dad talk "So did anything exciting happen?" Asked dad causing Atari to look away nervously "Nope not really except I made this" Atari said as she put 2 bracelets down on the table. Both of the charms had a black rope tied down with small heartshaped green gems and on one of them "Pyro" was named and the other "Atari". I blinked as I stared at her chewing the pancakes softly. "Mommy how come you and daddy had adventures?" Atari asked mom as she smiled softly "well Atari it all started with Me, Mayumi, Sora, Kairi and Riku wanting to leave the Island to explore other worlds" Said mom. All of a sudden I felt like I was choking on salt water. I grabbed my neck and began punching my stomach throwing up the nasty salt water then I passed out again.

Riku's POV
I heard a small crash as I was sitting on the couch watchig Tv. I ran towards the kitchen finding Kazumi and Atari with worried looks on their faces. "Whats going on!" I asked them as Atari looked scared. "D-daddy..! i have a confession to make.." Atari said as I looked back and forth between Kazumi and Atari "Me and the other snuck off to the cursed Island..a shadow got Pyro and threw him onto the water which is why he's always throwing up water.. im sorry mommy..daddy..I really am.." Our little daughter told us. I sighed and got on my knees to hug my little Atari as I looked at Kazumi. "Lucky for us I know a friend who likes to study this type of thing" My wife had said. She told me to pick up Pyro so I did what Kazumi instructed me to do. She picked up Atari and grabbed the house keys along the way walking out of the house. "Lily can tell us whats wrong with him she became a witch doctor after all" Kazumi said as we all walked to Lily's shop.

~20 Minutes Later~
We walked inside as I saw Kazumi trying to look for her best friend but no one was around. Kazumi blinked as she picked up a green orb and I only sweatdropped at her. She placed the green orb gently on Pyro's body as it began to glow and explode green sparkling glitter. Pyro slowly stood up as Kazumi left a small pouch of munny and we went home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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