Chapter Four

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Cry's P.O.V.

Cry was sitting on the edge of the bed and carefully observing a sleeping Felix. He looked really peaceful when he slept. Cry tilted his head slightly as a thought came to mind. Did all humans look this peaceful when they sleep? Felix was really the first person he'd ever got to be with and observe. Cry gave a smile and leaned down to place a featherlight kiss upon Felix's cheek. He owed the man a lot and he would make sure to pay him back somehow once he evolved. Cry hopped down from the bed and groaned in slight pain. He'd really have to find a more simple way to get down from the bed. He shook it off and walked around Felix's house once more, taking in every detail he may have missed yesterday. He walked over to the door down the hallway from Felix's room. It was closed and Cry hadn't been able to open it yesterday. He looked down at the bottom of the door and laid down in the floor. The space was pretty big so he could probably crawl underneath and get inside. He wiggled around until he squeezed through the crack and ended up on the other side. He gave a smile and rose from the floor, looking around the room. It was another bedroom, but this one had a computer desk and laptop in it. There was also a lot more stuff in here. Cry climbed on top of the bed and jumped over onto the desk. He observed the laptop and touched one of the keys with his foot. He'd seen Bradley working on one of these once when he was taking his weekly tests, but he'd never actually touched one. He stepped on a button near the top and jumped when it turned on and started humming lightly. He gave a frown. Did he brake it? A small box popped up and Cry grew worried. Felix would be mad that he was messing with his stuff...or braking it in the very least. Cry stepped on the button and again and hoped it would go back off. He sighed in relief when it did.

"No more snooping." He said and hopped back over to the bed. He sat upon the bed for a while and observed the room. It was different than Felix's. It was a different color and there was less stuff in it. Cry's eyes scanned the closet on the other side of the room and hopped from the bed. He walked over to the closet and he squeezed under the bottom. Once inside he looked around in the slightly dark closet until his eyes fell upon a small box in the corner. He walked over and pulled the top off of the box, gazing inside. There were numerous photos inside of the box all neatly stacked up. Cry dumped them out of the box and moved them around, getting a glance at each one. There were many photos of a girl with silky brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was very pretty and always wore a smile. Was this his sister? Girlfriend? Cry flipped one over and read the words 'Marzia' upon it. Cry continued to browse through the photos until he found one of Felix and Marzia. He had his arm draped over her shoulder and she was looking rather lovingly at him. So they were dating then. Cry gave a frown and pushed the photos away from him. It shouldn't bother him that Felix had a girlfriend, but for some reason it did. Cry tilted his head in slight confusion. Where was she? He hadn't seen her and he had been here for three days now. Was she away with friends or family? He shrugged and crawled out from under the closet, getting slightly stuck. He squirmed around, but didn't have much luck. He was stuck good.

"Cry? Where are you now?" Felix called and Cry sighed. He struggled from in between the crack and tried everything he could to become unstuck. He heard the door knob turning and he started to panic. Would Felix be mad that he had been snooping through his photos? Cry let his face drop to the floor and he closed his eyes as the door opened.

"Cry? Cry! Are you ok?" Felix asked as he rushed over and knelt down to help Cry.

"I'm fine, I just can't get out from under here." Cry mumbled and started squirming around again. Felix chuckled and helped him, pulling him out and placing him in his arms. Cry blushed and gave him an apologetical smile.

"Sorry for coming in here. I know I shouldn't have." Cry said and looked to the floor. Felix shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"I don't mind. You can explore if you want to." He said and walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. Cry gave a smile and rested his head against Felix's chest.

PewDieCry: Save Me From Myselfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن