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Kumo thought as he hung in the freezer "I should've killed them before, at least I wouldn't of been trapped... I hate to think about doing it now, but if I murdered them before this, at least I could've saved earth. Now I'll either starve to death here, or be raped and eaten alive, if the team comes back... I can't get out myself... There's nothing here I can use either: this freezer's torn out, all the mechanisms inside seem to be gone... The only thing I can do...", his stick erects, then reverts. "Activate my silver stick... If I was soulless still, I wouldn't of had anyway to get out... I have to think of something... I need to destroy the ropes before they come back...". Meanwhile Andra finds something on his cpu!!! "I win!!! I won!!! All I need to do is manipulate those fuckers until I can get there. I don't have drones for the job, thanks to those fags! But I can use "my cyborg" and that slut to get to the top!!!!! After I lead them to the power, I'll call my drones to destroy that bitch while I set off Zoro!!! No ONE WILL STOP THIS!!! I knew it, it's like my own prophecy's being fufilled now!!!! I got rid of that shit, now no one can fuck it up!!!", he contacts Zoro! The other cyborg runs to the lab, "What?!!! I was enjoying a delicious rack!!!". He walks past Zoro "I pinpointed the location, idiot... Find that bitch and let's go, don't try to betray my power at the moment: you know what'll happen.", Zoro smiles "Don't worry, you shit... You'll see the thing...". He thought as he left "No matter what, if I get the first hit, that piece of shit will die!!! He's a cyborg, so if I destroy his head, his brains... I'll get the power! His body and Cara's will be my first "victory present"! I should destroy that whore when I see her: we don't need to use her any more... Anyone else will be better, they don't know that we're close, as soon as they find out, it'll be too easyto off 'em...". Later Andra and Zoro walks through a cave... Cara watches from the entrance, she slowly followed... "Dammit... I don't like this... Even though he pinpointed the power, he's still letting us walk with him. He has something planned... After Kumo was caught: He worked constantly... Like he knew the location... He must've found it, but set up a trap... He wants to manipulate us, until he has it in his hands... He must thought of something else, another interference before we find it...", they find a tunnel with a small but bright, shining light... The cave suddenly crumbles!!!! Cara destroys the debris, firing off a rocket!!! The smoke clears... she sees another team climbing up behind them!!! Andra lets his metal shield down, and leered "Surprise attack... Stupid pissants...", he starts firing directly into the army climbing up!!!! Zoro runs directly into the army of murders!!! Beating them!!! Cara fires at them, they then notice, every single person was civered in armor!!!? They took out laser guns, and started firing!!! Cara ran behind a boulder... "Shit... Andra isn't the only cybotic jackass.", Zoro crushes a man, with his metal body!!!! "Heheheheh This crap's too easy!!! I'll take one of these and destroy the other shits... None of...". Andra shoots a killer into him!!! He leers "Come here, we need higher ground! Don't let them up here!", Zoro runs up "Shut YOU GAY FUCK!!!!". He glares "Fuck... he's more annoying than that ass...". The team slowly is surrounded by the army of armored people... Cara thought as she fired a rocket "Damn... these buttholes are using cybernetic parts, some of these even look like Andra's goddamned drones!!! They could've planned this for months, after watching us, they simply hacked his shit, then used there's to d...", she suddenly fires close to the area they're backed at!!! Andra and Zoro yelled "The fuck!!!?", "The bitch exploded?!!!". Cara slid down the mountain, shooting as she thought "I need to get Kumo here, his "powers", what ever connection he had to the power, controled electronic devices to a point.. If I can get him here, he'll fuck them... Then I can get the power myself... It'll be easy to control that fool until we're close!", a laser almost burns her!!! She looks up to find Andra following her!!!! "You stupid little insignificant, hindering bitch! I know what you're doing, there's no reasonto run now unless you're defy me!!!!", she shoots his leg!!! He slipped, then rolls violently as Cara gets away!!! He glares "The fuck she found!!!!? What could've broke through my metal leg!!!?", he sees ion and acid splattered everywhere... "She found or mixed some crap... I'll get her...", the army starts firing at him as he stands! The cyborgs fought as Cara found and hotwired a monster truck. "I have to go to their headquarters... I remember they used farming tool looking weapons... If I find anything resembling their style, or see anything those assholes used, I find him!!!". She drove away, meanwhile... blood drips from Kumo "If I was still soulless, I'd peel the skin off my wrist to get out... Shit... I can't even bring my self to wriggle more than this... I'll have to concentrate... Remember that feeling I felt, when I got my soul... When I felt like me, for the first...", the silver stick suddenly stabs through the ropes!!!! He bends by it, and erects it through the knot! He tries to unravel the rope wrapped around his wrist when the monster truck suddenly destroys the building!!! Cara frowns "You're alive... You got out too...", Kumo looks slightly relieved "Yeah... I have control over my weapon, I kept "bouncing" it around,untilit aimed at the cieling... (I almost hit my head...)". Cara opens the door, "Come on, we're going to the peak of the mountain. The other faggots are distracted...", Kumo climbs into the truck "I might not be able to help... I haven't eaten in a while... Even now, I'm not sure why I'm still able to walk.". She drives as she says "Either they drugged you, when they caught you, Or adrenaline... Here...", she picks up a head! "Someone was killed in here recently... I from the looks of the skin...". Kumo thought "I ate others before, I can't do this now... I can't even stare...", he then says "I'll wait, I don't won't to get heavy... When I get close, I don't want the after effects of eating fast." Cara answers "You'll have to do alot, you sure about that decision?", she drives close by the mountain... They look up at the people crawling up the sides... "You have to get us to the peak, if you try to leave me behind: I can easily murder you here. I'm the ONLY person here without any technology to use, and the power only affects electric weapons. If you attack, I'll shoot faster than you can move that stick. Lets's hurry before they notice the truck!". Kumo and Cara start to climb, as the others try to keep the army away!!!

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