Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 27)

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"I'll do it."

Bray pat Luke on his shoulder.

"You just made the most important decision of your life."

Luke went over to Abigail and held her hand, while looking at Bray.

"How do I start?"

"You say whatever is on your mind. I'm going to step out and give you a minute."

Bray stepped out of the room hoping that he gave Luke a push in the right direction and that he's finally seen the light.

Luke still held Abigail's hand, now that Bray stepped out, he had no problem letting his tears fall again. Luke realized that Bray may be right and that there was only one thing to do. He looked up as he started talking to God.

"God... all of this is new to me... You're my only hope... I want to make things right... Abigail and I were together without being married... I pray that you will heal her, I want to make things right... I want to marry her..."

He paused for a moment to look at her and kissed her hand then continued.

"She means everything to me... I've either blamed myself, or blamed you for what's happened. I still don't know what you will do, but I guess I should really be thanking you... Thank you for bringing Abigail back in the first place. I've cherished every moment I've had with her. Everything is out of my hands, and in your control... please... God just heal her, give me a sign that she can make it through this. I need you... you're the only one that can help her. I want to believe in you... show me what you can do... Amen."

Luke had a hard time getting through the prayer because it was something he had never done before. He wiped away the last of his tears. The pain was still there, but he felt a slow healing process inside. Bray was outside with Tyler, he wasn't sure if Tyler should go in to see Abigail, but he thought... Tyler witnessed his mother killed right in front of him, it couldn't get much worse than that.

"What happened to her?"

"She was in an accident... she's not doing very well."

"I still want to see her... please?"

"Well... I think she will appreciate that you want to see her. We can go in for a little while. If you get too uncomfortable, let me know and we'll go."

Bray peaked in and made sure that Luke was finished praying. He saw Luke holding Abigail's hand and decided that it was ok for him and Tyler to come in. Tyler was the first one in the room.

"Hey... how is she?"

"Not good... I don't know if she's going to make it."

Tyler was quiet for a moment and looked at her.

"I hope she does... She's very nice."

Tyler hadn't really talked to her much, but from what he could tell, she was very nice. He was afraid when he first came to The Wyatt house. Abigail had been very welcoming and made him feel comfortable.

"What happened?"

"We were in a car accident. It hit on her side... it should have been me... She was going to have our baby... The baby didn't make it... We would have had a little girl."

Tyler was confused. He has always been an only child and didn't know what he meant.

"How would you have a baby? Did the baby die?"

"You're a bit young to know this yet... but yes, the baby died."

This made Tyler wonder if Abigail was still alive.

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