Ch 1: Growing Up

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Anna ran out of the 17 year olds room sprinting back down the hall and hiding in the bathroom laughing like a maniac as her daughter pounded on the door "WHy did you wake me UP!!!!" She screamed in differing volumes which only made Anna laugh harder. "You have to g-" she paused and went into another fit of laughter "get ready for camp, you have to leave in four hours that's when the bus is coming to pick you up."

Skylars P.O.V

"What? The camp said they wouldn't pick me up until tomorrow.." I pondered the thought for a moment and then remembered shit! Today is tomorrow, if that makes any sense. I got the days mixed up... I quickly sprinted into getting dressed and packing, I'd be gone for about three and a half weeks according to my mom. I begged on only two weeks but apparently I needed to 'grow up'


The bus ride there wasn't that bad, except I sat alone, and it seemed everyone had already made friends so I guess I was the odd one out. After about 2 hours we made it to the camp. Stepping out of the bus I started stretching my legs and yawning brushing my fingers through my long brown hair. I was enjoying my self until I felt a shove and turned to see a girl a little shorter than I followed by a boy and another girl. "Um, excuse you." I fired at her my anger already starting to show, who did this girl think she was? Some famous model because all I saw was a whole lot of bitc-! I was cut of by what sounded like a high pitched dog whistle being blew, "Oh, well excuse you! Who do you like you are talking to me like that. Do you know what I can do to you? You obviously don't know who I Am so since your new I'll shed some light. People like you.. are losers. Not rich, maybe smart but your definitely not pretty like me! So stay out of my way maron and don't try anything about the contest because we all know whose gonna win." And with that she strutted away, with the boy and girl close behind her. I groaned, "it's not all that bad, besides Brianna's bitchy attitude and clique of goonies, camp pandemonium is pretty fun." A new voice said causing me to turn around. Standing before me was a girl who looked to be my age wish medium length brown hair and hazel eyes. "I'm Andrea, the girl you just saw" she turned her head over to the girl who had long black hair "That was Brianna you just met an her "friends" Haden (the girl) and Phil." She hooked her arm around mine in a friendly matter, or dramatic effect? And she pointed to the biggest building on the grounds "and that, is the camp house. It's basically where we all go for eating and grouping up and stuff and maybe if your lucky tune showers." My curiosity heightened a little "wait what do you mean showers aren't there showers in the cabins?" "Oh of course there are but these showers are GLORIOUS, compared to ours. Anyways gots to go bye!" And with this she trotted off over to a camp guide


Ok so I know this was a VERY short chapter but it's getting there

Anyway hope y'all like it!

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