My Mate's Choice 11

Start from the beginning

"I guess," Beatrix answered dreadfully.

"I'm sorry about what happened," I apologized.

"You said sorry too many times," she stated.

"I know and I will do until you forgive me," I said honestly. Beatrix didn't say anything. I glanced up at the wall clock and realized that it was almost 11pm. I moved Beatrix's arm so that I could slip next to her.

"Calvin what are you doing?" Beatrix asked, panic.

"I'm sleeping here, with you and on this bed," I answered her as I wrapped my arm around her. I had kissed her and touched her earlier with hope that her wolf would heal faster with the contact of my wolf. Now, sleeping with her hopefully would make her heal extra fast especially with our flesh touching when I held her to sleep.

"No, you cannot," she said, "People might come in and saw us."

"So? Let them be. I don't mind," I replied nonchalantly as I inhaled her hair. It didn't smell very good probably because she was on the bed most of the time but I didn't mind.

"I mind!" Beatrix said sternly and tried to push me off the bed but I just tightened my arms around her.

"And you said I was the one who didn't want to let people know about us being mates."

"Calvin Young, now you don't go on and twisting the words..." I cut her off by slowly placing my lips on hers. I kept on kissing her until I knew she would give in, which she did.

She kissed me back a minute later and she was the one who bit my bottom lip, wanting me to let her in. We kissed or rather make out for another minute or two before I pulled away, letting Beatrix and myself breathe.

"That just shows me that you want me to sleep with you right here on this bed, baby girl," I smirked and kissed her forehead. I lay back down and placed my hand just under her boobs. Both Beatrix and I were lying down side ways as I examined her face features. We lay like that for a while before I spoke, "Sleeping means you're gonna have to close your eyes."

"I'm not sleepy yet," she answered and I smiled, kissing her forehead again before resting the side of my face on top of her head. "And this bed only meant for one person. Either one of us will fall."

"I won't let you fall, baby girl," I told her.

"So you will fall for me?" She questioned and I thought for a while. Did she mean fall off the bed or fall in love with her? Regardless, I already was in love and of course I would fall off the bed for her. I didn't answer and slowly, I felt Beatrix's fingers moved up to my chest, tracing instead of what I thought she was going to push. "You know I hate you right?" She asked.

I let out a small chuckle. Even if she hated me, I knew at times like this when I'm with her and she's with me, we're both enjoying each other's presence in both our human and wolf form. And of course at times like this, we would always fall deeper for each other.

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