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"Mommy! Daddy! Help me!" I screamed but it seems that no one hears me.

I keep on shouting until a shadow of a guy appeared.

"W-who are y-you?" I asked.

He has a fiercing look and his shirt's full of blood

"Shut-up! No one will hear you anyway"

My tears staring to fall

"Please bring me back to my family" I begged.

He looked at me and a devilish smile formed  on his lips

"No. I wont and I will never"

Im starting to cry harder.

"B-b-but w-why?" I asked, sobbing

"Someday, you'll thank me for bringing you here"

He said coldly and walked away.

I watched him as he's walking. I miss my mom and dad and my kuya. I dont know if they're still alive but I do hope they are. I cant stand being alone. I was once alone and I dont want to feel that feeling again.

I slowly closed my eyes and trying to remember what happened.

"Honey, listen to mom and dad. Hide, protect yourself"

"B-but why dad?" I asked

"You have to save yourself, just listen okay? We wont let them harm you"

"W-what are you talking about?" 

I asked but a noise interrupted us. My mom held my wrist and drag me inside my cabinet.

"Shhh, honey. We'll be fine. Dont make noise okay?" She said and close the cabinet. 

I stayed quiet until a noise downstairs are getting noisier and noisier.

"Leave us alone! Please! Im begging you" I could hear my mom's voice and I know she's crying.

What's happening?

"We'll pay our debts! Just don't kill us!" My dad shouted.

Kill? What does my dad mean by that.

I slowly walked out of my cabinet and  a gunshot filled the air.

My tears are starting to fall again.

I dont what happened last night. I dont know if they're fine.


Someone's POV:

"Sir, dead on arrival" I closed my eyes and fist.

"The three of them?" I asked

"No sir, only the parents, her brother is in comatose" I sighed heavily.

I looked at her behind the door while crying.

Does she need to know? Im afraid of her reaction if I'll walk up to her and said that her parents are dead and her brother is in coma.

"Sir... Are you still there?"

"Uh y-yes. I just spaced out"

"Sir, I guess she needs to know"

I looked at her again, Megan Chevelle  Miller.

"Does she perhaps need to know?" I asked.

"Yes, its her family. May karapatan siyang malaman"

I sighed heavily

"I'll try" I said and hung up.

Megan Chevelle, do you really need to know? Im afraid you'll despise me.

Im afraid that you'll think I was the one who killed your parents when the truth is, I was trying to save them but I failed. I only saved you.

Its better to be this way. Its better to hide you from them because right now

You are not safe and Im the only one who could protect you, my old bestfriend.


A/N: Medyo nosebleed :3 Di ko nga alam kung bakig halos english eh. I was planning na more on tagalog kasi. Hohoho! Btw, sana nagustuhan niyo guyth.

Votes and comments are highly appreciated! Love you all.

Thank you :*


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