Chapter 1

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Luca got up from under the red mini cooper and placed the wrench back in the toolbox. Mayvey looked at him questioningly, wondering what had happened down there. "It's fixed," he said as he revved up the engine.

"Thank you!" said Mayvey almost about to hug him when he stopped her as she would ruin her dress. She smiled, "I really owe you one."

"Nah it was nothing."

He washed the dirt off himself with the garden hose, wiped himself dry and put his shirt back on. Xavier came out with some drinks and handed him one saying, "Thanks dude."

"No biggie." Luca gulped down the whole drink in one go. He glanced at his Rolex, "By the way, I better get going. You two have a good time now."

* * * * *

"Luca!" Mrs. Millan called from the kitchen. "Could you help me bring this box of brownies to the Xyles family? They're new here."

Luca shrugged from upstairs. "Fine," he said annoyingly, racing down the stairs, into the kitchen and out the back door.

It was mid-evening and the sky was filled with different shades of pink, purple, orange and blue. Few minutes later, he finally reached the house with a moving van parked up front. As he walked through the gates, the sweet scent of flowers reached his nose.

He realised that both left and right of the pathway he was walking on was filled with different kinds of flowers. As he reached the doorstep, he saw that the door was wide open. Taped boxes were lying around at the foot of the staircase. Some of the furniture had plastic on, probably new ones and the interior was set a little differently from his house.

"And you are?" asked a small voice from behind him. He turned around to see a girl, around five with straight brown hair and hazel eyes, holding a stuffed teddy bear. He immediately realised he had stepped into the house without permission.

"Uh, I'm Luca," he said, ruffling her hair. "Where's your..."

He wasn't able to finish as she dragged him to the living room and asked him to sit down on a fluffy carpet. "I'm Audree Xyles," she said, her eyes shining.

"Oh," he said, sitting cross-legged in front of her. "And him?" he asked referring to the teddy bear.

"Oh," she said, smiling. "This is Mr. Bear. Say hi to Luca." She lifted its hand.

"Excuse me," said a from female voice behind them. Luca turned around, surprised. Seeing the resemblance, he quickly got up. "Who are you?" she asked.

"Oh, uh, sorry about that," he said, handing her the box. "My mom told me to hand you these brownies as a welcome gift. She says hi."

"Oh! I'm so sorry, you must be Lynette's son," she said, taking the box. "These smell wonderful."

"Well," admitted Luca. "Mom does love baking."

He looked outside and realised it was getting dark. "I'll be on my way then. Got stuff to do."

"Okay, you can escape the snacks this time but be sure to come on Sunday," said Mrs. Xyles, patting him on the back. "We're inviting everyone to the barbeque, so I hope you and your parents can join us."

"Oh sure," said Luca, accepting the invitation, as he slipped on his sneakers. He walked on to the pathway.

Audree ran to the door. "Bye Luca!"

He turned around and smiled. "Bye Audree, see ya around."

He exited their residence and ran down the quiet road. It was a windy night and he was enjoying it. Suddenly, as he made a right turn, he bumped into someone. They both fell to the ground and groceries fell out from a plastic bag.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry," said the girl, looking at him.

"No, I'm sorry," he said, helping her put back all the stuff into the bag and handing it to her. "I didn't see you."

He tried to make out how she looked by the dim light of the lamp post. Straight brown hair, almost like an older version of Audree.

"Thanks," she said, smiling. "By the way, I'm Aralyn Xyles, nice to meet you."

"Oh," said Luca, realising he was right. "I'm Luca. I was just at your house."

"Really?" she asked, surprised. "Oh my god, what did mom say?"

Luca laughed. "Oh no, she didn't mention anything embarassing, if that's what you're saying. My mom had told me to bring you guys a welcome gift. And, you do have a great family."

"Gee, thanks," she said. "Did mom forget to invite you over this weekend?"

"Nah, she didn't."

"Good, you better be there."

"I will," Luca assured her, smiling.


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