Looking at the remains left, I could see that it was a fire that was put out not that long ago. As I rise, I look around and notice a broken twig. It's a long shot, but it's the only thing I have that says I didn't imagine it. I cautiously walk forward and hear a very faint noise just ahead to my left. I do nothing to acknowledge it, and as I approach where I thought I heard it, I pull out my sword and spin. As soon as I do, I can feel my feet get knocked from beneath me and as I start to fall, I grab ahold of an arm while dropping my sword.

As we hit the ground, we roll for a bit before I feel metal against my neck. I can't see anything due to me facing the other way but I hear a gasp and It gives me the perfect opportunity. I use my leg and swipe my opponents from beneath them while grabbing what was my own sword from their hands and reversing our positions. Then, my eyes widened.

"No" I say and take a step back dropping my sword. "You're not real. This has to be one of Cage's tricks." This isn't real it can't be.

"It's me, I'm real." I turn around shaking my head no. "Hey, look at me. This is real." I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around. "Clarke, I'm real. I'm here." She says and I finally look into her green eyes.

"Lexa?" I say and she nods smiling. I feel tears flowing down my cheeks and she reaches out her arms to bring me into a hug. Instead, I reached up my hand and slapped her.

"You died!" I yell at her and she sighs. "I fucking buried you! You were, but you, how could you," I shake my head.

"Clarke, I had to. The ice nation, they were going to kill you to get to me. Clarke, I swear, none of this was planned but when I got stabbed Titus thought..." I have heard enough and couldn't take it anymore. I reached both my hands up cupping her cheeks and pulling her into a kiss.

"Just shut up." I say through the kiss.

After a few minutes, we both separated for much-needed air and press our foreheads together. "You have no idea what Hell I have been through without you."

"Actually," She says pulling apart. "I have been following you the last couple days." I let out a small chuckle.

"Yeah, you got kind of lazy at hiding when I was fighting the Maun Men." I say and the frown on her face grows.

"Clarke, about that." She gulps. "It looked like you were, playing, with them. That is dangerous. You could have gotten hurt." She says and I smile. She looks at me with confusion as to why I am smiling.

"Obviously you don't know the side effects of the reaper blood Cage gave me." She now looks worried. I sigh and look her in the eyes. "It's nothing that bad. Basically, I'm stronger than I was before and have a little anger problem." I say but that didn't change Lexa's expression. She looked seriously worried and I rolled my eyes before leaning forward and kissing her.

"Clarke, we need to talk abo..." I stop her by kissing her again.

"No more talking. We can do that later." I say and she smiles. I press our lips together once more before grabbing her hand and leading her to a bunker I found about a week ago. Once we get there, I lead her down the ladder and immediately connect our lips in a hungry kiss. God, I missed her. This still doesn't feel real.

We find the bed and I push her down, so she is sitting. A smile grows on her face as I straddle her hips and connect our lips once again. Pushing her back onto the bed, we fight for dominance before she grabs my hips and flips our positions, her winning. It was safe to say that by the end of the night, I knew it was real. She was really here, alive.

END FLASHBACK - (she didn't tell raven all of this but gave her the short version)

"Are you serious? She's alive?" Raven's eyes were huge, and her mouth was open. I laugh with a smile on my face.

"Yeah, as I told you, I didn't believe it at first either." She punched me in the shoulder.

"Dude, that's awesome." she says but then her smile fades.

"But she has to live in hiding. That's why you sneak off so much more." She says talking to herself. I nod and continue walking. We walk for about ten minutes before I reach down moving branches out of the way to reveal a latch. "Wait, is she?" Raven asks pointing to the latch.

"Yeah, I told her to stay here so I could come when I got away. Plus, it's safer than wandering out in the open." I tell her and she smiles as I knock a couple times and open the hatch. "We made a code, so she knows it's me. I'll tell you it later." I say and start to descend the ladder with Raven following.

EEEEEKKKK! LEXA! So, I never really planned to kill her. I was planning on doing a one shot that explained a bit, but you all wanted a second book and I knew I could add more detail to make that happen. -Stephanie

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