chapter 2

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"What's wrong scaredy cat stuck in mud?"the line said as she laughed. For some unknown reason I couldn't move maybe it was from fear but I've been through much worse. Maybe it was me going into an ACTUAL criminal lai- I'm an idiot, if I had worn my costume then Bruce could've tracked me and taken down the line. I know he will try to find me tho... maybe not.
"Come on let's go robin." She said while pulling my arm behind my back and walking me to the two black doors. She led me through the halls I tried mesmerizing the path but there were to many turns. We finally reached our destination and she opened the door I observed the door and figured out that it was sound proof. What's she going to do to me in here? She directed me to the steel table. "Lay down it would help a lot." She said With a fake smile on her face. That's when I finally took in the presence of all the guns and knifes on the table across the room. I struggled against her grip and she called for her guards, they restrained me and tied me down to the table I kept struggling to get out.
"All that struggling is going to do is weaken you and make it harder to heal so I'd advise you relax." She said.
"What do you want to do with me?" I asked as she pulled my tux sleeve up. She ignored my question wiping my inside elbow with a hand wipe she then went to the table in the back and when she came back she was holding a syringe with a yellow like substance.
"I want you to feel pain." She said before placing the needle in my skin. I tried jerking away but she had a firm grip on my arm and was unable to. But that's when I felt sharp stinging pains all over my body. Before I passed out I saw her gleaming face.

Robin past out and wakes up the next day

I slowly opened my eyes and woke up my body felt so sore. I tried sitting up but came right back down I  felt the cold metal table underneath me and remembered where I was. I looked to my side and saw the line sitting, sleeping in the corner on a chair. I bet if you looked at her and didn't have a clue who she was then you would think she would not hurt a thing she was actually kinda cute sleeping. Wait your not suppose to call your captor cute actually I should be trying to get away not watching her slee-.
"Can you please keep your thoughts down robin!" I was cut off by the line.
"It's so hard to sleep when your thoughts are all over the place." She groaned, stood up, and walked over to me.
"What did you inject me with?" I asked her.
She smirked.
"That's your question not how can you read my thoughts?" She said Mocking me, I looked at her serious.
"Fine the stuff I injected you with was some chemicals put together that make your body feel more pain then your inflected upon. the only bad thing about it is that you get like super strength if you become super angry which I don't think will happen, a day after I inject you, you become kinda strong, oh and I have to inject everyday."
She said.
"Oh so you just got some chemical concoction put together by someone you probably don't even know and intend to use it on me with out knowing if it's the right stuff." I said pissed off.
"Actually the person that made it, was me so I know for a matter of fact that it is safe for everyone including you." She said to me with a smirk. " and about me reading your thoughts I'm also very smart and I'm skilled at like any form of violence." She walked over to me and rested her head on her arms which were on the table and smirked at me. She sniffed the air and backed up in disgust.
"Wooh, you stink i'll let you off the table if you go take a shower and get some new clothes." She said
"Really!" I smiled cause I got to stretch my sore muscles and then remembered what she said before. She unstrapped me and let me stand up and stretched out my back. I walked up to her I was clearly towering over her and would most likely beat her if we fought. She looked at me with her big doe eyes. I could Clearly see she was afraid after all she did say I'm stronger the day after I'm injected. Instead of walking to the bathroom she was pointing at I slammed her into the wall holding her by her throat. I started gripping her throat and pulling her up she gasped for air trying to get as much oxygen in her body as fast as she could . But every second I tightened my wrist she gave me pleading eyes.
"Why shouldn't I kill you?" I asked. "Your not that kind of person robin I know you regret killing harley please don't regret this too" she croaked out.
"I gave her justice which I'll give you so why would I regret it?" I questioned with my eye brows raised.
"Because you know your sister and brother would never like it." She said. I tightened hard on my grip, she then felt heavy her eyes were not on me anymore but her head slumped down. I panicked checking for a pulse I felt a very loud beat and sighed in relief. I carried her bridal style and strapped her to the table making sure they were tight so she couldn't get out I went to the bathroom she directed to me before and took a shower and changed into some new clothes. I came out and she was still passed out I sat in a chair and soon fell asleep.

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