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'So when did you find out?' Guilherme asks as Demi curls into his side; they got home around an hour ago after they'd spent some time celebrating with his team.

'Beginning of the week. I didn't want you to worry about me instead of the fight so I just didn't tell you.' She replies smiling as his hand lightly brushes across her stomach.

'How far along do you think you are?' He asks and she shrugs her shoulders.

'I'm not 100%. I spoke with my doctor as soon as I found out though and we've to go in on Monday morning so we'll probably find out then. He says that although my meds most likely won't harm the baby he would rather change them to something more pregnancy friendly.' She replies and he smiles slightly.

'This is crazy.' He says and she nods her head.

'I was so shocked.' She admits.

'You're okay with it though?' He asks and she nods her head.

'Of course I am... We've spoke about having kids, haven't we? Just happened slightly earlier than we expected but that's entirely our fault for not always being careful.' She replies.

'Why did you take a test? Did you think you were pregnant?' He asks.

'Not really. I've been feeling off for weeks, Gui. Working out has become the most exhausting thing ever... I've cut it down, I don't do the MMA anymore and the other stuff isn't as intense.' She replies.

'Should you be doing it at all?' He asks.

'Yeah. The doctor said as long as I just cut it down and I'm not overdoing it I'll be fine. I just need to listen to my body.' She replies.

'Okay... Does anyone else know?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'I wanted you to be the first to know but obviously I had to make sure everything was okay with my meds... I'd really like it if we could keep it to ourselves for a little while.' She replies and he smiles.

'Does this mean we have to put off you becoming Mrs Vasconcelos for a while?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'I don't really want a big wedding... I mean if it's okay with you I'd still like to get married when we talked about but it'll just be a smaller, more intimate ceremony.' She replies causing him to smile.

'So we're still thinking summer?' He asks and she nods her head.

'Yeah. I want to be Mrs Demi Vasconcelos.' She replies before laughing.

'What's so funny?' He asks.

'This was never how it was supposed to work out.' She replies.

'What do you mean?' He asks.

'You were just supposed to be my summer fling, Gui.' She replies causing him to smile.

'You were mad about me from the moment you laid eyes on me.' He says.

'I'm not denying that.' She replies biting her bottom lip.

'Get some sleep... You look absolutely exhausted.' He says kissing the side of her head.


'Morning.' Guilherme mumbles against Demi's shoulder.

'Mmm... Too early, still sleeping.' She says sleepily.

'It's just gone 10am, babe.' He replies and she instantly opens her eyes.

'Seriously? We should've been up hours ago.' She says and he shakes his head.

'You were exhausted, Dems. It was well past 2am by the time we got to sleep last night.' He replies.

'I feel sick.' She mumbles rolling over and resting her head against his chest as he runs his hand down her back.

'Oh... Do you need a glass of water or something?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'No. I'll be okay when I get some food in me.' She replies smiling.

'I still can't quite believe there's a baby in there.' He says, his hand brushing across her stomach.

'Our baby.' She replies smiling.

'We should probably get planning the wedding if we want to have it in the summer.' He says and she nods her head.

'We could do some planning today? If you don't have any other plans.' She replies and he smiles.

'Yeah. We could look at venues, see if we can book some viewings.' He says.

'Sounds good to me... Pancakes also sound really good to me.' She says causing him to smile.

'Okay. Bacon as well?' He asks and she shakes her head.

'Oh no... I'll throw up if you start frying bacon.' She replies.

'Okay. Just pancakes, no bacon.' He says kissing the top of her head before climbing out of bed. She watches as he makes his way over to the bedroom door wearing nothing but black boxers; as soon as he opens the door a little black bundle of fur bounds in followed by a slightly smaller white bundle of fur.

'Hi, babies...' Demi says smiling. Guilherme leaves the bedroom and she leans down lifting Batman and Bella, a puppy they got around Halloween, onto the bed before sliding back under the covers as the dogs snuggle in beside her.

So I've had requests to continue this which I'm really happy to do but I was just wondering what you all thought about the title? It was appropriate for the one shot but I'm not sure if I should change it now that it's no longer just about the fight, opinions would be greatly appreciated.

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