The Silver Prince (Book One In The Dragon Series)

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Chapter One


"Navin...Navin" A woman whispered while shaking the boy frantically. "Please wake up" She said hurrying the boy. 

"You must run....M'boy you must leave" She said while dressing him quickly. The boy adopted a confused look. 

Run? Run where? 

"B-But Momma.." She hushed him "Listen to me well....We might not see each other again but, we will always remember" Holding his hand tightly she kissed him on the cheek and than gave him her pendant

"Now" she whispered "I want you to think of land I've told you about. You remember the place where all  children of the wings are accepted?" He nodded and she continued 

"I want you to think of it hard and hold on to the pendant...when you get there open this." She said before handing him a small box. 

As she let go of him a figure broke down the door. "Navin my son GO" she yelled and watched in silent fear as he left. Knowing she would never see him again.


The young boy who you now know as Navin transported for the very first time that day. When he arrived at the place he had only heard stories of he quickly opened the box his mother shoved in his hands before his departure.

In it lay a crystal figure of a dragon.


Raj looked somberly out of the plan window wondering slightly why he agreed to be sent to America in the first place. In his opinion he was fine by himself in the small house he and his mother had lived in before she died. It hadn’t even been five days after the burning of her body and he was already getting shipped to America to meet the father he never knew.

He laughed quietly to himself over the irony of his situation. For years his mother begged his father to come home, to save them from the poverty they were enduring. With no reply and only to receive one her with news of his mother’s death was laughable.

Glaring at the flight attendant who talked very slow to him perhaps unaware that he knew exactly what she was saying.

“Excuse me….Mr. Serin….may I call you Raj?” The blonde woman looked at him with a raised brow “Do you understand English?” She asked looking at him.

He gave her an annoyed look and replied “I’d prefer Raj and yes I do understand what you’re saying...”

She gave a fake smile and said “The flight has landed it’s time for you to go...”

He nodded still in his thoughts he got up and began making his way off of the plane. When he made it to the waiting room he looked around. He was told by the social worker that his father and step mother would be waiting for him.

Raj spotted them sitting down in the second row. Walking towards them slowly he took his time sizing them up. His father noticed him first. He stood up and greeted Raj

“Kemon Acho Raj? Amar nam Rajesh” He said in Raj’s native tongue. (How are you doing Raj? My name is Rajesh)

Raj rolled his eyes and replied in English “I’m fine…baba….” (baba=father)

His father sighed and pulled his wife closer to him. She gave Raj a thousand dollar smile and said “Hello I’m Marianne but, you can call me Mary and I hope as our relationship grows you can call me Mom one day.”

He scoffed and went to pick up his bag. Raj had one small black bag that held a couple shirts pictures of his mom and jewelry box that held everything his mother held dear. His father gave him a pitying look. “Tomorrow once you’re settled we’ll go buy you some clothes…if that okay with you Raj?”

Raj shrugged and followed his father and Marianne out of the airport and into an expensive looking car. As his father drove Marianna began to talk.

“Me and your sister Amala began to prepare a room for you. I hope you like it we didn’t know what colors you liked so we just painted it a light blue. I’m sure you’re pretty tired from your flight so, you can tell me and Amala what India is like she’s very curious about it”

In the back seat Raj glowered at her. He knew that she knew there was nothing remotely interesting about where he grew up. Not that he’d admit that to her or, his father. It seemed like forever in the car before they got home.

Raj stared at the house in disgust. He was angry he was hurt and, he felt betrayed. His father the only man his mother gave herself to had married some American woman and had his very own version of the American dream.

He walked in the house after them and looked around. The house was westernized with Indian undertones…it screamed Marianne.

“Amala isn’t here…she’s at a friend’s” Marianne said with a slight smile. Raj nodded

“Can you show me my room please” He asked slightly accented looking at Marianne with a raised brow. She nodded and gave him a small smile.

She led him up the stairs into a light blue room. Thanking her softly Raj watched as she left the room and shook his head. 

When he sure no one would interrupt him he pulled out the envelope his mother had left on top of the jewelry box and opened it.

Āmāra bhālabāsā rāja,

Ē'i baksē ṭima sīmānā āpanāra niẏati. Ēṭā thēkē cālānō nā. Nā āṛāla karabēna. Āpanāra kṣamatā āpanāra jñāna atikrama. Ēkadina āmi bēśi nā kāndiẏā prakāśa karā nā paryanta āpani dēkhuna āśā kari.

Āmi āpanākē bhālabāsi,


 A/n translation(To My Love Raj, In this box lays your destiny. Do not run from it. Do not hide. Your powers exceed your knowledge. One day I hope to see you until than do not weep. I love You,Mom)

Raj raised a brow and looked at the box. What could it possibly hold that was his destiny? Biting his lip he sat in silence and decided he would open the box.

With a quickness he flipped the lid. In the box laid a figure wrapped in velvet. Picking the wrapped figure up he unwrapped and stared.

In his hand lay a figure of a crystal dragon.


Authors note!

How do you like it? It's my first fantasy story and it uses Bengali in excessive. I used google translate so I'm not quite sure if its correct but anyway. If you notice anything not right i.e grammer please tell me! 




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2012 ⏰

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