"About an hour before you" Chris replied, shooting his older brother a look that told him to shut up. I nodded at them.

"Okay then shall we get going?" Leo asked as he appeared in the kitchen doorway. We all turned and looked at him before nodding.

Once we made our way out of the house we had to wait for Leo to lock the door. I checked my watch and saw that it was now 9:15 and Amy was late, which was something that never usually happened. She was supposed to meet us here thirty minutes ago. Just then a car skidded around the corner and jolted to a stop in front of the house. Amy hopped out and yelled "Thanks dad" before running up to us.

"Sorry I'm late, I overslept" she said as she threw her arms around Wyatt and he planted a kiss on her lips.

"Don't worry about it Lila had trouble dragging herself out of bed as well" Wyatt whispered, but air carried the words to me.

"Hey I don't need you talking for me thank you very much" I retorted and Wyatt grinned at me. I knew then that he'd meant for me to hear in the first place. I stuck my tongue out at him as everyone started towards Piper's jeep.

Leo was driving it today since Piper had a hospital appointment because she hadn't been feeling well. She let us have the jeep seeing as how there were a lot of us, while she had gotten a ride from Phoebe.

I climbed into the back with Chris while Melinda, Amy and Wyatt sat on the seats in front of us and Caleb sat in the passenger seat next to Leo. Chris put an arm around my shoulders and I snuggled into his side.

"Okay then, and off we go!" Leo announced while turning on the ignition and easing out of the driveway.

"You excited?" Chris whispered and I looked at him smiling when I saw he was watching me.

"Actually yes, but I'm slightly nervous about what they have thought up for the video" I replied and Amy turned around in her seat.

"Don't you have any ideas about what you want to do?" she asked me and I shook my head. I hadn't really had much time to think, and since this was going to be our first ever video I didn't want to ruin anything. Even if I was quite creative knowing my luck it would turn out totally weird and wouldn't go with the song.

I looked out of the window and watched as the scenery flew by until we were driving out of San Francisco and towards Richmond. Liam had told us to meet him at Gold Records and then he would personally transport us to the location where the shoot would happen. Though where that would be and what it would look like I have no idea, but the secrecy was very exciting.

After a while I fell asleep on Chris though I'm hoping he didn't mind because he knows what I am like on long car journeys like this. Lets just say it isn't pretty. Just think last time we made this journey was when I was being followed by a demon, though I didn't need to worry since he was now dead.

"Lila" Chris whispered shaking me and I opened my eyes before rubbing them to see him gazing at me. I smiled at he returned my smile. The way he gazed at me made me flush since I felt like he was studying me intently as if he was afraid he'd forgotten what I looked like when I fell asleep.

"We're here" he said and I looked out of the window to see that we were outside the main building of Gold Records. I nodded but couldn't get out of the car yet because Wyatt, Mel and Amy were currently still in front of us.

"Okay so I know that you have been booked into a hotel for the night, but can one of you please phone Piper and I when you are done so we know that you are okay?" Leo said and I could tell he sounded worried.

"Of course dad you don't need to worry" Melinda said and Leo rolled his eyes at his daughter just as I pushed the chair forwards so we could get out since Mel hopped out quickly after replying to her dad.

Dating A Charmed One. Did I Mention I'm Half-Demon?Where stories live. Discover now