Molly's Response

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Ron's POV

I woke up and I knew that I was waiting for something but I just couldn't remember what it was. Then it hit me! Just as one of Draco's books hit me from the top bunk I remembered. Bloody hell that hurt!  Hopefully, my mums response would be with the post today! To be honest, although I have heard that he is very stuck up and self-centered, I feel so bad for him! It's not his fault he got sorted into the best house there is! His parent's reaction was just plain awful, though. I truly hope mum says he can stay.

As I was eating (OK stuffing my face....) the owls swooped in to drop in our mail. After a minute or two, the owls had all slowly filed out until they were all gone. Pigwidgeon hadn't brought anything. I was trying to stay positive. maybe she just hasn't sent it yet. I had lost my appetite. Which is saying a lot.

Percy POV
I was calmly eating when pigwidgeon
Dropped a letter in my cereal. I pulled the soggy note out of my food. It was from mum.

Dear Ron,
Of course he can stay. The letter his parents sent was so cold hearted. I would be honored to make him feel welcome in our home. Tell Draco the good news!
See you over break!

Mum was letting a MALFOY into our house?! What is she thinking?! I went over to tell Ron that..... wait...... if I don't give Ron the letter.... he will think that mum never responded. All I have to do is send mum a response letter.

Hi mum
Actually Dracos parents sent another letter that they changed their minds and he can go back to the manor thanks for the offer though!

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