Lifes wonders

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Swoozie: hey guys party at my house tomorrow you guys coming
Alex: sure as long as Lauren is coming
Lauren: I'll come
Dom: me too
Lilly I have work but I'll see if I can come
Fousey: sure I'll come as long as Lilly comes
Lilly: Oh shut the eff up yousef
Lauren: yeah come Lilly you need a break
Dom: yeah I agree
Alex: same here
Lilly: alright I'll see what I can do
The party
Alex and Lauren arrived and shortly so did yousef and dom
Yousef: hey so do you guys know when Lilly is coming
Lauren: right now turn around look
Lilly: hey guys
Squad: hey Lils
Lauren takes Lilly over for a drink and the guys kept talking
Lauren: hey did you see the way fousey looked at you when you walked in
Lilly: I know but I'm pretty sure that he doesn't like me the way you're thinking and ether way that would ruin are friendship
Lauren: I'm just saying you guys could end up falling for each other

Lilly: I don't think so we would have to spend a lot of time with each other and right now we both have a really tough schedule

Lauren: well it's almost his birthday and Alex wants to surprise him so maybe you can spend some time with him there

Lilly: well I guess only time will tell

Swoozie: come on guys your hugging all the tequila
Lilly: shut up swoozie
As you can tell the night when on and so did the drinks
Lilly pov: more guests came in but no problem I'm with my crew

Yousef pov: i could tell Lilly was drunk Alex and Lauren left so didn't want to let Lilly drive

Author's pov: yousef got closer to Lilly and whispers in her ear "follow me"

Lilly: ok handsome

Yousef thinking: wow she is really drunk

Lilly; why are you taking me outside

Yousef: come inside my car

Lilly: ok creeper
Yousef: yeah whatever. Do you have your keys
Lilly:no I left mine home
Yousef: I guess I have to take you to my house
Lilly: yay I get to see muffin and dollar

They got to his apartment
Lilly:hi my babies

Yousef:do you want anything to eat Lilly

Lilly:no I'm ok thanks

Yousef sat down on the couch

Yousef: hey I'm going to go to my room to change I'll be up in a second

Lilly was thinking otherwise went down stairs with yousef. Yousef started taking of his shirt

Lilly: you know you got some hot abs

Yousef:what are you doing here
Lilly:looking at you
Yousef:wow you are really drunk
Lilly: and in love
Lilly started getting closer, close enough for them to look into each other's eyes
They smashed each other's lips  together they layed on yousef's bed yousef gained control of what he was doing

Yousef: hold lil

Lilly:yousef no please we were having so much fun

Yousef: look lay down

Lilly :yay

Yousef turned the lights off

Lilly: wow sexy
Yousef:just go to sleep
Lilly: no please yousef lay down with me I promise I won't do anything please
Yousef:ok but only for a little
It was hard and tempting considering the feelings yousef had for Lilly but when he layed next to her he kept his distance

But the next day...

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