but im sure i didnt ruin her, just made her more interesting

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i've moved on from dean, and i've never felt more relieved.

he wasn't the one for me; he didn't treat me like i was a person, more of something that pleased him at the end of the day.

i wasn't in love with dean, i was in love with the idea of him. he couldn't make me happy because he was too worried i would fall, and boy did i fall. but i don't regret loving dean, i simply wish he loved me back.

now looking back at the whole situation made me realize how unhappy i was with someone who made me feel so needed. i thought what we had was chemistry, a spark, but it was just sex. plain old sex that felt like so much more when in reality, it was just something that pleased us both.

the relationship wasn't great, but i dont regret it, and i dont think i ever will. its something that makes me who i am now, maybe even more interesting.

i pulled myself out of my thoughts and smiled, looking down at my phone with a thought. i still have his number i remembered, swiping though my contacts to see his name still there like it always will be.

to dean:

thank you


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