“They won't be though.”


“I don't live with them.”

“How about your grandparents?”

“Nope,” I said popping the p.

“Then who do you live with?”

“I live by myself.”

“Why don't you live with your parents?”

“Because my so called mother and stepfather hate me.”

“Where is your biological father?”

“Why are you nosy?”

“I am just wonder geeze, maybe I was concerned.”

“Well don't be! And for your information my mother was a one night stand. He probably doesn't know I exist and is probably having a good life with out me!”

“Oh.” He got quiet.

“Sorry,” I said. “It's just a touchy subject for me and...” I trailed off.

“Me too.” He said mostly to his self. “So how much?”

“For what?” I asked.

“To get you to stay quiet?”

The other guys came back with sacks of money and anything valuable and were staring at this us. Police sirens rang out.

“Son of a bitch.” Said the blonde. “Moose, check the back doors.”

“Got it.” Said one of the boys I assumed was moose. This was the man who cut the power. The blonde grabbed my arm gripping it tightly. God now how am I going to escape. I have to think of an idea. I got it but what if everything doesn't go as planned then I have to improvise. So I am going to... “There blocked, we are surrounded.” Moose interrupted my thoughts.

“Damn, we're going through the front.” The blonde said with angry.

“Are you crazy.” Said another boy.

“Gem, trust me. I have an idea.” He looked down at me.

The six of us made our way toward the door.

“Eric,” said the blonde boy.

“What?” I had asked.

“My name is Eric.”


“Well I know your name, so maybe you want to know mine.”

“Yeah, um...Eric.”

He shook his head. “I never wanted to hurt people but I have to get by in life.”

“Why don't you get a job or something?”

Eric glanced down at me. “My parents.”

“What about them?”

“Well my father was killed in 2001 in America. He...he was in the twin towers when the plane hit.” I sensed the sorrow in his voice. Eric continued, “My mother fell into a deep depression and developed a drinking problem. Of course that led to her becoming abusive. I guess I started to belittle in school on purpose and then when I dropped out I needed a job that sort of did the same thing.” He sniffed. I felt the warm air and the police talking, the boys mentioned something about a hostage.

“Eric, you can change. Change for the better. You, you could..”

“I don't need change. I don't need your sympathy...” He started to raise his voice, “AND I DEFFINATELY DON'T NEED YOU.”

It got really quiet outside. There were loose trollies all over the parking lot. The police cars surrounded the store. Eric yanked me into a different position. My back was against his chest and his arm around my neck, I was close enough to smell his cologne . A gun was held to my head. “Let the girl go.” Shouted a police officer with a bull horn. Eric acted calm yet his heart was beating fast. “Don't come any closer or I will blow her brains out, and it will be your fault!” Eric shouted back. I looked up into the sky and took a deep breath.

“Move out of my way and I'll let the little girl go.” Eric shouted.

“Listen lad, just let the girl go.” A police officer said making an effort to push forward.

“NO! Don't you come any closer!” I heard a clicking sound beside my ear. It's time.

“I'm sorry, Eric, but I have to meet my dad before I die.” I said.

“Sorry for what?”

I pulled off his mask with one hand and yanked his elbow down with the other. The bullet entered through my skin. Pain struck my side and ran though my whole body. I collapsed to the ground and clutched my bleed side. Eric fell to his knees beside me.

“That wasn't suppose to happen! I was only suppose to scare them and let me go! I am so sorry, Bella!” Eric sobbed at my side.


“Yeah?” His voice was shaky now and filled with fear.

“I want you to know that I forgive you and my parents and anyone else who I was angry at. I want to die happy.”

“You aren't going to die. You can't!”

“By the way my real name is Georgia.”

“But your name tag?”

“I legally changed it.”

He was saying something else but I couldn't make it out. Everything slowed down around me and was blurry, even everyone’s conversations. The police yanked Eric to his feet. I could make out his messy hair and swelled eyes. Paramedics were putting me on a stretcher. So this is what it is like to die, everything slows down and it seems like you aren't part of the world anymore just your body. The feeling of emptiness and nothingness. I closed my eyes.

“Bella, Bella, Bella....” I could here a male voice calling my name. It was Eric. It was a flashback when he first talk to me and when I first saw him. His voice gave me butterflies. No Bella! This kid just shot and killed you and now you are drooling over him. Ugh! I can't help it. I just can't!

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